Hi, finally, I have reviewed and improved the drawing of the circuit diagrams of the Pyra. This was postponed as one of the last steps because having correct and tested schematics is much more important and urgent than to have "nice" looking documents.
This status is how they are currently planned to go to mass production (V5.1.3). Unless we find some new issue and change something, but the plan is to have this as the final revision.
All files are PDF and should be searchable.
The project file is internally managed as a single big set of sheets (therefore page numbers not found here), but is split up into separate boards before production.
To cover different installation options between standard and the 4G variant, there are two separate files with the same pages, but different components crossed out.
This crossing out is done automatically and means "component not placed during production". Therefore some optional components or the button maeanders are also crossed out because production line has nothing to do with them...
This is a limitation of the way these PDFs are created automatically and I would have to apply many more tricks to do that special case "right".
License is CC-BY-NC-SA which means you can use and distribute them - except asking for money for a copy of this document or parts of it.
This does not exclude that you study the ideas and make your own (commercial) designs, because that is not covered by a document licence. But please let us know if you do that... We might be interested in learning your ideas as well :)
BR, Nikolaus