New profile posts

"The lawnmower being used to earn $20 is not being used for profit." ??? Words have meanings. Did nobody teach you the shame of being wrong?
Hi ED,

Can you please get back to me via PM or email? I've been trying to reach out to you via those plus twitter, and you're not responding, and it's kind of frustrating to see you posting here but not replying to any of those. Thanks.
ED is an extremely busy man.
ED receives 1000's of emails, PMs & DMs per day, YUP! Per day.
On top of all that, he is doing his best to make sure Pyra is ready for the wild.
It would be hard to manage & prioritise his work life, let alone his home life, which I don't reckon he gets much of.
TBH, I don't know how ED does it, as I would have thrown in the towel by now :(
If not too personal in nature, maybe try Discord and/or making a thread in the Ask ED Questions forum boards section?
If you find yourself defending your country in someone else's country, maybe you are actually attacking someone else's country.