Yes It Works


Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2006
alright. finally got me a gp32 .. tested it out. found that i can do 140 mhz pretty stable as in hours of play anything else and its just 20 minutes.. i wasnt really concerned cuz i already knew of the volt mod and pencil trick available for me to i see in the post about the pencil trick its april and at first i thinks its an april fools joke :P i knew it had to be true after all the pages i read thru. anyways it works just tried it out and now i can do 166 not sure how stable as of yet but before i coulndt even play drmd at that would just lock up instantly. anyways im just ranting on cuz im super happy that i can oc a little bit higher now . such an easy its time to fiddle and see what else this puppy can do. want to go no higher than 180mhz. oh yeah checked my v core thingy with an ohm meter. first time unmoded gp was 1.77. first try with some pencil 3.6 yikes. 2nd time with pencil after i cleaned it off got me a nice 1.85. just thought id post something on here as its a bit dead. and yes i know im a little late to the whole gamepark scene. didnt have the money back when i first saw it and wanted it.
well guess i can only do 166 stable and no higher. im not complaining as this is pretty sweet .got me 26more mhz . im good with that. later on ill try the volt mod with my shaky hands so i can mess it up and get me a gp2x.j/k i will do that eventually though.wont mess it up purposely though.
The Pencil Mod does indeed work wonders. I went from a 144Mhz to a stable 184Mhz. I wish my 2X would overclock that much...

- Alex