Xwing Clone

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I love the Lucasarts Xwing games ( Xwing, Tiefighter ). I would be great if someone came up with a similar type of game for the GP32. Does anybody know if there are any freely available 3D engines that would be able to achieve this sort of game?
We would need a set of scaling and rotation routines, so that we could simulate depth, then we could calculate the position on of the tie fighters. But i doubt that ill try that out, cos i wouldnt have a clue.
I love the Lucasarts Xwing games ( Xwing, Tiefighter ). I would be great if someone came up with a similar type of game for the GP32. Does anybody know if there are any freely available 3D engines that would be able to achieve this sort of game?
I've stated on another post that I'd love to see some 3D games for the GP32... I've already seen some impressive engines for the GBA, and considering the GP32 can wipe the floor with it, it would do some sweet 3D games - However, these games are being done by pro's - Who I doubt even care about the GP32 market.

One can only hope that either some wizz-kid here :) can work his/her magic, or that the GP32 becomes more widely recognised in the US and UK market!?

I'd love to see, as far as 3D goes, a Starwing style game, or maybe GTA?
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Wasn't 'Wing Commander' released for the ST? Does that work in CaSTaway?
It was porter to the SNES and Amiga - I don't think it made it to the Atari! I know it has been released for the GBA a little while ago, not that it helps any! <_<
Just because the Gp32 can kill the crap out of a GBA in terms of most things doesnt mean that the Gp32 is better at 3D. If you do your homework, the GBA has its own dedicated processor for graphics, whereas sadly the Gp32 only has its ARM processor. (correct me if im wrong on this)
But it doesnt mean it wouldnt be able to im just saying dont expect any spectacular 3d engines. :D
The GBA graphics hardware isn't very useful for 3D. You can do mode 7 type stuff effectively, but that forces your "ground" to be flat, and sprites for everything else, and even that is extremely fiddly. Since neither the GBA or the GP32 has 3D graphics support (or a floating point unit for that matter), the main issue is clock speed, and we all know the GP32 wins hand down on that front.

I think something like Tie Fighter would be ideal to run on the GP32 ... no texture mapping, few polygons and no complicated landscapes to mess around with. The only problem I can see is getting enough data onto the small screen ... you need scanners (which were excellent in Tie Fighter) and things in that sort of space sim so you have some idea where you are, as you don't really have any landmarks.

If I ever get the time to try any GBA development, I might have a go at making an engine for a Tie Fighter like game... But that's fairly unlikely, unfortunately.
Until then, there is Star Raiders for the Atari 800. The emulator should be released soon. Or perhaps Starfox for the SNES. Or its never released sequel, though completed, that's been floating around the net.
Actually, with optmised programming, the GBA can render some amazing graphics, take V-Rally for example.




Now if the GBA could do that, the GP32 is capable of a hell of a lot more =P