Wtf Is This Thing? Its A Pmp That Plays Snes And Psp Games.... Wtf? Hu

creon posted on Oct 27 2006 at 09:49 PM said:
Ok I was curious about this thing so i just got one delivered.

This thing is beyond any shadow of any doubt the coolest pmp I have ever seen.

1st it lines out to a tv. You can play everything on the tv. ITs amazing
2nd it RECORDS through a/v cables from the tv. (the picture quality is really good)
3rd. the camera is VERY easy to use, the record is really nice too
it does mp3 playback very nicely
also the convert to asf software thats with it is also easy to use

however it does come with a game card that has 25 - 26 games not NES titles though
but theres a bowling game a nice brick break game some racing games all 8bit quality though.... I thought you could be able to copy nes emulation files to it and it would play.. but I haven't been able to do that yet.

OH!!! The timer A/V recording I swear is like a portable TIVo ok dig this you set time in this thing ok, and even if it is off the player will turn on and record for any specified length of time (with the 490 megs that come free on it) its over 2 hours of GOOD i mean GOOD recording quality.... so you can have it record programs from tv for you.

I am VERY impressed

You joined to tell us that?

Nice try...
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My scamdar isn't going off. But I've been wrong before.

Can you post some photos?

I've seem a bunch of portable DVD players on ebay mention that they come with hundreds of NES games. Then they mention a few of them. So, it's funny that this one does not support them.
Yeah, It`s nice to have a review from a reliable source with a track record you can trust. :rolleyes:

Oh, You forgot to post a link for the place where you purchased it from. :lol: :rolleyes:


They probably just have PC emulators for the SNES and other systems ported directly with C/SDL and didn't bother optimizing them at all, so they'll run at about 1-10% proper speed. But hey, they 'run' so why should they bother being any more specific than that. :P The emulators you get should be like the copy-paste ports of emulators that came out in the first month of the GP2X's existance.
I have contacted a few people and It does not emulate snes, nor nes.

So, now when I get to work I will definately report it to my supervisor as a 'wrongful listing'. I work as a eBay customer service rep if anyone want's to know how I wil report this xD

I restore people's accounts that have been taken over by third parties! <3
I just had a second look at the auction, and realized the acessoires (charger, cables etc.) that come with it are exactly the same like the ones i got with some PMP i bought about 3 months ago.

The seller promised me i could record from external video souces over Composite Video, but it can´t. The camera can´t operate decently if it´s not day- bright and the Buttons are not as responsive as they should have been.

Well, i got it very cheap, so i can´t moan, but it thaught me a lesson not to believe anything a seller tells me about generic PMPs.