Working Sdio Peripheral Devices


Still Fresh
May 25, 2007
maybe some very stupid question (I'm sorry :eek:) ) , but is there any SDIO peripheral device (existing drivers...), that works with GP2X?
Thanks Kasei
There are existing SDIO peripheral device drivers, but none that work (or have been ported) to the gp2x that I am aware of.
I spent a good amount of time searching for at least one driver for SDIO devices 4 months ago, but I didn't find any at all.
I will put anything you want internal connected to the USB Host, for less than half the price of any SDIO devices, I don't quite get the fascination with expensive flimsy devices in a highly proprietary format.

Anything in particular you where thinking about? If it can be done I will put you a second USB SD card slot inside for storage, then you can use the real SDIO for whatever you like :)

I only hack around with the hardware, as far as I know the SDIO devices need some software yet.