Wireless Printing with Pandora?


Still Fresh
Aug 11, 2012
Xfce Desktop has a printer settings but I don't know if (wireless) printing is actually possible in the Pandora or how to set it up, also the Angstrom repo seems to have an HPlip package..

Hope someone have an idea on this.
Should be possible on Slackware as well or even installing Super Zaxxon on a SD card and fully installing the dependencies needed for cups. Just not enough room for it on the NAND.
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I added cups to our Pandora OS repository.

So if you got SuperZaxxon 1.52, upgrade your OS to the latest version (System/Upgrade Pandora OS)

Then you can install cups from the terminal:

sudo opkg --force-overwrite install cups


sudo opkg install hplip

Be sure to have a network connection. :)

You can run cups using:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups

And configure your printer using a browser on:


Please report back, I don't have a printer at home and haven't tested it yet.

sudo opkg install hplip
cups installed fine, but this gives me "opkg_install_cmd: cannot install package hplip."

Be sure to have a network connection. :)

You can run cups using:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups
after using "sudo /etc/init.d/cups start" i got the output

"/etc/init.d/cups: line 232: echo_success: not found"

"cups: started scheduler"

And configure your printer using a browser on:

could access it, but after entering the IP address of the printer, its manufacturer and model a "authentication required" dialog pops up that says: "A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:631. The site says: "CUPS"

what to enter here ? I tried root, my pandora user, my AD user (with and without) domain
Normally, it's the root password for cups.

I don't know for non-root distros.
Aaah... okay... there is a root, but with random password.

I know some distros use the user password, need to check that.
I also got stucked in the Cups' username/password.I tried to edit the cupsd.conf file as suggested by some google search but still cups ask me for password.
you should be able to set the root password. as root do "passwd root"
OK. Success!.

I did that and also did what an arch linux support forum suggested:

1) From the command line type:

sudo groupadd printadmin

Then for each user you want to add to that group type:

sudo usermod -aG printadmin usernamehere

2) In your cupsd.conf file, add this line:

SystemGroup printadmin

Then I rebooted (just in case) and when cups message showed up I typed my pandora user and password.The printer was added.

I really don't know how to set up my printer through cups (uri,ipp??) so havent tried to print if that is really possible with the pandora. Hope someone else gives it a try.. ^_^
OK. I managed  to automatically setup my printer by simply using the "find printer" on cups webinterfase.However no luck on printing. If I set up the printer to use cups driver (in my case "new deskjet cups 1.2" ) nothing happens when I click on print test page or any document using libre office. If I set up with my printer .ppd I copied from my pc it gives me: "filter "hpcups" for printer not avaliable: no such file or directory".  Is hplip-cups missing? Not sure waht else to do.
Since dibad0011 sold me his P, I doubt he is working on this anymore. I am interested in how to setup a printer. Has anyone else solved or made any progress on this?
I followed a combination of ED and dibad's instructions and this works like a champ. I had a problem with one of my printers that I still have not been able to solve (HP LJ6MP connected to network via Netgear PS101) but I attribute that to a fiddly printer that is hard to access. I have an HP Officejet 6500 connected to a linux box and shared via cups and it automagically shows up in cups on the P (printer/fax) and printing from Libre Writer works great. If we could get one of the Samba browsers on P, it would make accessing windows shared printers (and files) much easier. I've looked and didn't see one.
^  Hey, that's awesome news.  Sounds like you're on the right track.   :)

Edit 1:  I have an older Sun unix workstation that acts as a RIP (raster image processor) for our Xerox Docutech 135 printer.  I think that it uses Samba from what I can recall.  Maybe I'll tinker a bit with it on Monday...
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There is cups for solaris, so shouldn't be too difficult. If you have a printer on a unix box or a better print server than I have, you shouldn't need Samba. I have continued to test and application support seems to be hit and miss. Qupzilla works in XFCE, but not in Openbox. The PDF viewer. Firefox doesn't print. Don't know. Hopefully the smart people will stay engaged and we can get more working. When I say won't print, I mean that the printer dialogue has no entries. So there is no device to select.