Windups help!


Apr 15, 2003
I've been trying to make a new background for Windups without any luck.. I've taken the main image from Here (snk vs capcom), scaled it down to 320 * 240 and saved it in Paint Shop Pro as a gif, as a gif using the "failsafe" palette, and as a gif using a GP32 specific palette that someone posted here.

None of the gifs work though.. They either make the screen mess up (keeping the previous BG image but with a really wierd/wrong palette), or make no change at all (Windups keeps the previous BG image).

Any chance that one of you who knows what hes/shes doing can make this BG for me? ;) Pretty please..
get one of the pre-made backgrounds then extract the palette from it, then save it, load the thing you want to backgroundify then load palette and shrink it
get one of the pre-made backgrounds then extract the palette from it, then save it, load the thing you want to backgroundify then load palette and shrink it

Tried that. Windups just kinda ignores my image and carries on using the old one. Maybe it doesn't like Nonas artwork? :huh:
heh, lemme give it a whirlly whirl

EDIT: Which is the main image? its split into segments
just worked on mine, gimme an e-mail address or something and i'll send it
aye, aye :) if you want i'll put the palette file in the attachment too?
Yes please, I'll have a play around and see if I can get any images working on it later. Thank you!
Here is how I do it, using plain Micro$oft tools :P

1) Open and edit the image in whatever way need using Microsoft Photo Editor
2) Select the whole image (320x240 for backgrounds or 24x24 for icons)
3) Copy the image to clipboard pressing CTRL+C
4) Open an existing Wind-ups background or icon on Windows Paint
5) Paste over the existing image (Paint keeps the palette)
6) Save the new image as the final GIF file.

I guess you can use any image tool on step one - copying to Paint makes it fairly easy though.

By the way, if anyone wants some backgrounds and icons I have posted a file on my website:
Heres an Idea...

Why dont you guys.. link to yer backgrouds... It would be nice to get some different ones... or mebbe 1 of you's could do me a plain BLACK one...


M0nk T.
liquidcross posted on May 15 2003 said:
Now how do you do this in Photoshop? :huh:
Like this:

Colour Table...
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When Hando gets back i'll ask him if he could upload the palette settings for wind-ups, and a few test backgrounds
stickofjoy posted on May 15 2003 said:
liquidcross posted on May 15 2003 said:
Now how do you do this in Photoshop? :huh:
Like this:

Colour Table...
I tried that with a screenshot of the GP32 logo. All it pulled out were the colors used in the logo itself, not the actual color palette.
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