Wind-Ups possibilities


Active Member
Apr 9, 2003
Is it possible, after running a fxe from Wind-Ups by clicking on it, to quit this software & come back at once to the desktop ??? (yeah maybe I'm dreaming of a true windows lol)
For exemple , I click on my GP Pang (excellent ;p) & then after a while I want to play Monkey Island... then I would love to quit GP Pang without using savagely my GP32 power button ;)

& is it possible to run a pc-link FROM the GP32 ??? (I mean getting the file browser on the GP32 ?)

thanks for everything :)
With a flashed firmware you're Gp32 will always boot up in WindUps (or in Pac-rom, Or in Orginal FirmWare). With a flashed firmware all you need is a restart (Software (e.g the quit option in GPdoom) or hardeware (on/of button) to start in WindUps.

You can use a file browser like GP file manager (check the download section) or wait for the next version of WindUps, the next verison will include a enhanced My Gp32.
thanks alot for your help :)

is it possible to flash back the firmware to the original version ???
thanks alot for your help :)

is it possible to flash back the firmware to the original version ???
Yes it is possible to flash back to your original firmware. But once you have tried the multi-firmware, I don`t think you will want to. :D

If you do flash with the multi-firmware, You can still access the original firmware by pressing and holding the select button when you first switch your GP32 on.

Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks Trooper :) Yes it help me alot & be sure now I'll make the move to the multi-firmware without hesitations :)

Ps: oh your signature is one of the best I've ever seen Trooper LOL ;p