Wi Fi On Bob?


Still Fresh
Aug 31, 2006
A land before time
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When the consumer version of the bob is released will it be possible to plug any old usb wi-fi adaptor into it or will you need a specific one or will this not be possible at all?
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So the obvious thing would be to say if THERE ARE DRIVERS OUT THERE OR NOT.

- Alex
Hey guys, on topic, anyone know where can I find a list of supported chipsets? and if you can top it with a link to download the drivers it will be really appreciated.
Would ndiswrapper be of any use with drivers?
Since the ndiswrapper is meant to wrap windows drivers and they are for Intel CPU's they will not be much help. There are a limited number of USB Ethernet devices out there with source code that can be built for a 2.4 kernel. The real problem is finding a USB Ethernet device with the chipset's that there are drivers for. A manufacturer does not always keep the same chipset in a model so you might buy a USB network adapter and find it will not work because the chipset has changed. If they change the chipset they do have to (in the US) file for a new FCC certification so you can find out there. Also on the FCC site there are pictures of the device opened up which can allow you to find the chipset. It "sucks" but that is the way of the world. This issue is a real challenge in the Linux world today. I will not buy a device without native drivers and that can be a challenge. I have built code for some USB network devices but have not had the time to test them out.
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