Who Wanna Port Powder (a Roguelike)?


May 18, 2006
This game runs on PSP, DS and even on GBA so would be easily to port.
It uses SDL. The site is http://www.zincland.com/powder/index.php

Not only does it use SDL, it was written in Devkit ARM, which can be made to compile for GP2X. I have asked on here about this before but, it seems, nothing came of it. Maybe it's worth poking the original author?
Parkydr said:
Should be easy, it auto resizes. I'll give it a quick try tonight.
woo hoo!!!

i was doing it myself after trying the gba version emulated but i have really no time for that, so thank you!
It's a very nice roguelike, it features also touchscreen support on the DS version, and it's very user friendly, with a nice tutorial section too. Very good for beginners at RL games.

thanks a lot!
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There won't be any touchscreen support (at least to begin with) as I haven't got an F-200.

I've had a look at the source and the PSP (*spits* :)) port is actually closer than the GBA in terms of reading SDL joystick buttons.
Parkydr said:
There won't be any touchscreen support (at least to begin with) as I haven't got an F-200.

I've had a look at the source and the PSP (*spits* :)) port is actually closer than the GBA in terms of reading SDL joystick buttons.
if you plan to add touchscreen support in a next release (if any) i can do all the testing you want ;)
From a first look the DS code seems to be already there, i mean that all the useful stuff is inside the DS directory and the code already accept inputs ect from mouse clicks (on PC) or touchscreen (on DS) too.
But yeah, for a first release one that uses the psp input system would rocks!

The game is also well done and complete gameplay wise, so it will be a really good entry for the gp2x!
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It's already playable - I'm just having trouble figuring the game out :)

I'll upload it somewhere later and PM you a link and you can tell me what you think.
thanks!!! i will :)
i played the gba and the pc version so i can betatest for sure :P

oh parky, also, can you recompile your allegro portings using the new lib that Hitnrun is using for Zelda Classic? i think Bunker Master would be much more playable and Garden will improve http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,19,2551

Zelda Classic had like a 70-100% speedup (like from 10 fps to 20-25)
Eclipse said:
thanks!!! i will :)
i played the gba and the pc version so i can betatest for sure :P

oh parky, also, can you recompile your allegro portings using the new lib that Hitnrun is using for Zelda Classic? i think Bunker Master would be much more playable and Garden will improve http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,19,2551

Zelda Classic had like a 70-100% speedup (like from 10 fps to 20-25)

If you look at the comments at http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,19,2551 you'll see that I've already started :)

BunkerMaster2X definitely needs it but I haven't noticed any performance issues with any of the other ports.

I'm not keen on rebuilding the others on the basis of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
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Parkydr said:
If you look at the comments at http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,19,2551 you'll see that I've already started :)

BunkerMaster2X definitely needs it but I haven't noticed any performance issues with any of the other ports.

I'm not keen on rebuilding the others on the basis of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

I've found garden to be a little slower than the PC version at 200mhz, but yes, i had BunkerMaster in mind.
Thank you for your efforts, you're one of the pillars in the scene ;)

can't wait to try Powder finally :P PM me when you're free to upload
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nice for a quick port. the download page already had the 2 gripes i have with the port: slow movement (like performance is slow) compared to gba version, and would be nice to have image unscaled too.

anyway thanks for the port. you've done a lot of great ports for us.
jbrodack said:
nice for a quick port. the download page already had the 2 gripes i have with the port: slow movement (like performance is slow) compared to gba version, and would be nice to have image unscaled too.

anyway thanks for the port. you've done a lot of great ports for us.
for me it's not noticeably slower than the gba or the pc version (i played both), also, it's a roguelike, it's playable, so the speed issue is quite a nonsense...
for the scaling, maybe also only the vertical, that would be nice
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Progress report.

Scaling off - done.

SDL - the new SDL libs add the touch screen as a mouse which would be ideal except 24 bit colour, which powder uses, is not supported so I'll have to do it manually.

I haven't looked at the speed but I think it's just the button repeat rate rather than a processing limit.
Eclipse said:
jbrodack said:
nice for a quick port. the download page already had the 2 gripes i have with the port: slow movement (like performance is slow) compared to gba version, and would be nice to have image unscaled too.

anyway thanks for the port. you've done a lot of great ports for us.
for me it's not noticeably slower than the gba or the pc version (i played both), also, it's a roguelike, it's playable, so the speed issue is quite a nonsense...
for the scaling, maybe also only the vertical, that would be nice

its not "nonsense" if it takes you quite a bit longer to do in this port than other versions of the game. I'm not complaining just making a point that regardless of the fact that its turn based speed does still matter.

and as far as the speed there seems to be a slight lag in the scrolling and reaction of the dungeon to your movement.

also thanks for the update.
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Did this ever show up in the news section? It is acutally quite fun. I'm running madplay2x in the background with the old Baldes Gate soundtrack.

Damn fun :)