Which one?


Still Fresh
Aug 9, 2012
I'm new onto the pandora boards and was thinking of getting an openpandora for myself, looks pretty awesome! Although i'm unsure of which one to get. The classic/original model is at a lower price, rebirth has the extra ram and the 1ghz which would play more game better. Does the extra ram help with game play?
The 1ghz is great if you can afford it.I think the extra ram in rebirth editions may help with browsers like firefox etc.Still the original pandora is very cool too.
Go for the Rebirth or 1GHz because the production quality appears to be better. The Rebirth edition has enough power to run any emulator up to PSX just fine. However the 1GHz has more steam which might come in handy (some programmes, computer and N64 emulation for example).
I suggest going for the rebirth Edition. Currently the 1 GHz model will only give you slight performance gains when running certain android games, n64 emulation or emulating x86 PC Hardware (qemu, dosbox). But more in a sense of "it'll run a little smoother (maybe with more details)" rather than "it will only run with the 1 Ghz model.

You could also go with the 256MB unit, if you don't care about android (512 MB have a newer revision of the SGX, that has some bugfixes) or Java based games/apps (the more memory the merrier) at all.

I would not recommend to put your expectations high on n64 emulation - there are some titles running rather well, but afaik only Mario 64 runs more or less flawless - read here if you want more info about how n64 emulation performs on 1 GHz Models.

Last but not least, do you know EDs comparison table ?
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I suggest going for the rebirth Edition. Currently the 1 GHz model will only give you slight performance gains when running certain android games, n64 emulation or emulating x86 PC Hardware (qemu, dosbox). But more in a sense of "it'll run a little smoother (maybe with more details)" rather than "it will only run with the 1 Ghz model.

You could also go with the 256MB unit, if you don't care about android (512 MB have a newer revision of the SGX, that has some bugfixes) or Java based games/apps (the more memory the merrier) at all.

I would not recommend to put your expectations high on n64 emulation - there are some titles running rather well, but afaik only Mario 64 runs more or less flawless - read here if you want more info about how n64 emulation performs on 1 GHz Models.

Last but not least, do you know EDs comparison table ?
Thanks, considering that the 1ghz version only gives a slight kick in performance I think I'm going with the rebirth edition.
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