Which Icon Set

hells_dark said:
jbr said:
I'll be using the icons in my sig, of course, for any emulators!

I might have to make some more, though...

They're not bad. Where do they come frome ? did you made them ? Did you release them ? :P
I found most of them in a set of emulator icons for download on some emulator website, a long, long time ago. The person who put them up said that he didn't make them either, but he was releasing them for download anyway. He added a few of his own to the list later, too, such as the MAME icon.
Then, when I got them, I made a few of my own (the ones that don't really match: The 2600 and the Virtual Boy). I'd say you're pretty much safe if you want to use them, since I don't claim to own any of them, and the last guy didn't either.

I think I'll add this " :pandora1: " to the list, after I get mine. (I also have to add 3DO, PS2, and Jaguar, but I haven't had time to make/find icons for those yet.)
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This thread has reminded me of these. I might use some of them, I think.

I'd also love to use Mr.Gonzo's retro theme, if Mr.Gonzo does go ahead and make it. :)
Prometheus said:
This thread has reminded me of these. I might use some of them, I think.

I'd also love to use Mr.Gonzo's retro theme, if Mr.Gonzo does go ahead and make it. :)

Those icons are amazing, and they cover just about everything! I love the little VMU ones personally.
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Prometheus said:
I'd also love to use Mr.Gonzo's retro theme, if Mr.Gonzo does go ahead and make it. :)
IF? There can be no 'if's! If he refuses we shall spam all his threads and spread vicious rumours.
j-k. We'll do that anyway.

j-k. ;)
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