Where Do I Get Games From??


Still Fresh
Jun 25, 2004
Hi, just got a BLU GP32.. I got it after hearing that I could play old games on it...but, where do I get them from? I've heard you can get Xenon and Speedball to run using an emulator but where do I get the games from?
You can find emu's on the boards, just look around and you'll find them.
roms = warez so you won't find an answer here on that question.

[Mod - No RTFM posts.]
Alright then, let's try this a different way. What kind of words should I search for then?
I'll send you a pm (private message). just typing roms in a search engine will pull up hundreds of pages of porn and viruses (unless you like that kind of thing :P )

EDIT: wow! good work generalmx. must get tiring though, watering down those flames. hopefully people will get the messaage and be more friendly.
There is a great wealth of games on these sites (all legal and free)

www.gp32eu.com (these are nice as they are all setup)
www.gp32spain.com (needs registation, but has a huge library of games)
www.gbax.com (on the right side of the page, all the old competition games)

Try the megaman game from gp32eu.com
Also try the bloody cross demo from gp32eu.com
The Hacx game on gp32eu.com is doom setup with a cool mod.

I would go on all day, but you should look.

Please post if you enjoyed this post, these games, or want more suggestions.

I understand completely about the fustration but the faqs need to be more prominently displayed. If I were to come to this website with no knoweledge of the ways of the gp32 world I would get flamed almost instantly. Either there needs to be a huge link to them on the front page or a searchable help database also clearly visible on the front page (although that would require a lot of work). Ok, lets put it this way. I'm a 'noob' looking for some gp32 warez and crackz and roms.

1) Search gp32 in google.
2) Find gp32x.de.
3) Look around the main page, standard stuff (nice website actually ).
4) Click discussion board. I'll get help in finding my warez in here for sure!
5) Look up and down the page. plenty of catagories. some mention of ports need source code. Hmmm I'm a 1337 super hacker. I'm not going to read the page in depth and see the notice about reading the faq and stickies. I'm going into general.
6) New topic about snes romz and psx emulators. Get flamed, get banned.

OK, people like that deserved to get banned (I think I overdid the 13 year old warez kiddie act ) but how about someone who is deserving? They're getting told to use the 'damn search funktion' over and over. Often the search 'funktion' will pull up many pages of irrelevant material. Who is going to sift through that when it's far easier to just start a new topic? I'm really not surprised at the type of posts here at gp32x.

PS: Sorry, I posted this in the wrong place. (though it was odd to ask me for a topic title (too much weed B) )
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