GP32 Whatsup With The Flash Player For Gp32

I was looking into porting a flash player I found but well... my coding skills aren't really amazing at the moment so I decided not to... i think there were a few others looking at porting a flash player... one of which was DJWillis but I've not seen him around for ages...

it would be possable to port the version I found but the hardest part would be writing the wrappers for X11... cus it's an open source flash player for linux... meh we'll see... but it certainly won't be me porting it... unless you wish to wait about 6 - 12 months :P
Gamepark said one would be released at the end of last year. Presuming they have stopped work on it, we should ask them to release the source. Or maybe they finally will complete it for the Euro launch.