What The Hell Is This?


PS3 ID: Cervante1
Jun 28, 2006
SD card slot
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i think its supposed to be a link cable..
i want a link cable very much and i think GPH should make one..
i'd trade a link cable for the commercial bob and new firmware any day!!
purple_goat posted on Feb 6 2007 at 03:41 AM said:
i think its supposed to be a link cable..
i want a link cable very much and i think GPH should make one..
i'd trade a link cable for the commercial bob and new firmware any day!!

Nice Avatar, Purple Goat, It actually fits your very odd name... :P
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well, should be easy enugh if you just connect usb device on ext of gp1 to usb host on ext of gp2,
with enabled usb networking this could even work out of the box.
And if you route out a usb host on the gp2x thats on device and conenct that one to another device you could even build a endless chain if you set the proper routes, would get slower with each aditional gp through.
so it would look like that in a "chain" configuration.
gp2x(1) usb host > gp2x(2) usb device | gp2x(2) usb host > gp2x(3) usb device | .....
Or you could build it in a star config with one gp2x acting as "hub" which would look like this
gp2x(1)(usb d)	  gp2x(2)(usb d)
	   \			 /  
		 \		 /
	   gp2x(hub- usb h)
		 /		\
	   /			\
gp2x(3)(usb d)	 gp2x(4)(usb d)
the star config would probably be easier to configure as you could just run a dhcp server on the "hub".

Edit: I just got it confirmed that this already works out of the box, so its just a matter of making the cables.
Vimacs posted on Feb 6 2007 at 01:29 AM said:
Edit: I just got it confirmed that this already works out of the box, so its just a matter of making the cables.
That sounds really cool, though I wouldn't want to be the guy with the slave 2X, then I would have to play with the USB sticking out.

I got the super micro USB terminator chip from Digikey.com (USBDF01W5 part# 497-3086-1-ND), here is a picture of it mounted to a Radio Shack breadboard. And a shot of it on a dime, these things are really small.


See my thread http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=34309# for instructions ou how to put it on that board, I used my webcam so the pics aren't great.
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theres usb device on ext as well :-)
at least im quite sure there is...

Damn thoose things are small, did you try how well it works yet?
Shifty posted on Feb 5 2007 at 09:24 PM said:
purple_goat posted on Feb 6 2007 at 03:41 AM said:
i think its supposed to be a link cable..
i want a link cable very much and i think GPH should make one..
i'd trade a link cable for the commercial bob and new firmware any day!!

Nice Avatar, Purple Goat, It actually fits your very odd name... :P
thanks!! B) made it myself (flash MX forever!! flash 8 can suck my balls!!)
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Vimacs posted on Feb 6 2007 at 11:40 AM said:
theres usb device on ext as well :-)
at least im quite sure there is...

Damn thoose things are small, did you try how well it works yet?
I haven't tried it, I don't have a GP2X right now, I am really looking at it though since the D1X release.

I did check it with my multimeter, the same resistance from each leg to ground, so I assume I got it. If the connections are good there is no reason it shouldn't work.

Yeah, there is USB device on the EXT I forgot about that, would we need to terminate it too? And has anyone tried it to see if the software will understand it?
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Vimacs posted on Feb 6 2007 at 07:40 PM said:
theres usb device on ext as well :-)

There is, it's the 1.1 device on the MMSP2 rather then the 2.0 device on the NETCHIP and yes, with the right leads it does work (well it does something, I got bored at that point). It is not a "Gadget" device like the NETCHIP however.
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I thought that the main problem of USB devices was that they worked on the 'host<->slave' setup unlike firewire where this idea does not exist (its flat). So this would mean one 2X would have to run as a host. I assume when we use TCP/IP over USB to Pc the PC is the host.

Does this not mean a small daemon would have to be created to make a host device(2X) and slave device(2X)????