What Should I Do?


Mar 29, 2005
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Yeah, I just noticed I have alot of spare time each weekday now like 2hours or more sometimes. Games arent really interesting anymore, and my gp2x I usually use at school, or whenever.

Im really thinking of doing either of the two things to pass the time each day:

1. Learn a free computer language such as C or C++.
~Via free C for noobs guides that can be found on the inet ^.^ This could help in a future job perhaps?

2. Start making my own animations.
~im good at drawing anime quickly. Maybe making some flash cartoons or something would be a nice challenge, they would also help me get some extra marks in art.

What would you do in my possition? This is my last slack year before I start working and get a job.

Like links to nifty things such as a C++for dummies would be helpfull, or a animation tutorial to make flash cartoons perhaps? I know there are free ones for this as well.

Cheers.. lala
Try programming, use a simpler language like Python! And the Pygame library. Find a tutorial and start making games! If you like it, go take Computer Science or something at Uni (brush up on maths first!) and you might get a job in computers that pays OK!

As for anime, vector drawing (used in Flash!) is totally different to hand drawing things! So make sure you can do vector-style animation and you might be a great success! Otherwise, maybe you could try your hand at drawing some manga!

Good luck!
Rico posted on Dec 18 2005 at 03:36 PM said:
Try programming, use a simpler language like Python! And the Pygame library. Find a tutorial and start making games! If you like it, go take Computer Science or something at Uni (brush up on maths first!) and you might get a job in computers that pays OK!

As for anime, vector drawing (used in Flash!) is totally different to hand drawing things! So make sure you can do vector-style animation and you might be a great success! Otherwise, maybe you could try your hand at drawing some manga!

Good luck!

Thanks for the support :)

I might try both actually, python looks like its ok could any1 lend me a link there?

I also was looking at those graphics pens, that u use to draw stuff on ur computer, really interesting :)
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Or do something less nerdy

like football or weightlifting or soemtihng
Deleted User posted on Dec 18 2005 at 05:26 PM said:
Or do something less nerdy

like football or weightlifting or soemtihng

This is time that is extra, and I do the below stuffs on my behalf.

I weightlift at least a few times a week so im fine for that :) I Have a nice weight set downstairs.

Football isnt for me, sweaty guys fighting for a piece of pig skin no thanks.. I do most of the fun stuff on weekends with my buddies. Like climb up the mountains and go around town etc...

I suck at sports too, cept for soccer im good at that.. hehe

Yeah, im looking at PY right now it seems pretty nifty... Downloading it
Btw, for python where do I get the lybraries? I looked in the fiel archive but there doenst seem to be any :0
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Drak posted on Dec 18 2005 at 09:12 PM said:
Deleted User posted on Dec 18 2005 at 05:26 PM said:
Or do something less nerdy

like football or weightlifting or soemtihng

I suck at sports too, cept for soccer im good at that.. hehe

He's from England. What do you think he means when he says "football"?
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Deleted User posted on Dec 19 2005 at 03:25 AM said:
yeah i meant soccer. lol

Oops! Sorry I never really look where people come from unless im bored ^.^

Whats smack!?
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Drak posted on Dec 18 2005 at 11:52 PM said:
I also was looking at those graphics pens, that u use to draw stuff on ur computer, really interesting :)

If you have any interest in producing art on a computer, GET ONE! seriously, after using a graphic tab for about a week using the mouse feels like trying to draw with bigfucking mittens on. I only got a cheap twenty quid one and its probably the best computer related purchase I've made yet.


If you want to program and learn to code, why not kill two birds with one stone and start learning actionscript for flash? Not only will it teach the basics of coding that you could use later to learn c++ or whatever faster but you can also make games, animations and other cool things using it.
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c0ncept posted on Dec 19 2005 at 07:25 PM said:
Drak posted on Dec 18 2005 at 11:52 PM said:
I also was looking at those graphics pens, that u use to draw stuff on ur computer, really interesting :)

If you have any interest in producing art on a computer, GET ONE! seriously, after using a graphic tab for about a week using the mouse feels like trying to draw with bigfucking mittens on. I only got a cheap twenty quid one and its probably the best computer related purchase I've made yet.


If you want to program and learn to code, why not kill two birds with one stone and start learning actionscript for flash? Not only will it teach the basics of coding that you could use later to learn c++ or whatever faster but you can also make games, animations and other cool things using it.

Got any links to one I could buy that ships to canada? Or the name of urs, A cheap one would be fine hehe.

Ya. im looking at python rite now for a bit. heh
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If you have any interest in producing art on a computer, GET ONE! seriously, after using a graphic tab for about a week using the mouse feels like trying to draw with bigfucking mittens on. I only got a cheap twenty quid one and its probably the best computer related purchase I've made yet.

Really? PleasepleasePLEASE tell me where? What model is it? The cheapest I was able to find was like £70 or something ridiculous, and only big enough to write a signature on... :blink: I'm getting really annoyed at drawing with a mouse as you might imagine :) doing vector artwork is of course one solution, but I can't use that for everything... Also, since I don't have a scanner, a graphics tablet would be ideal...
Drak posted on Dec 19 2005 at 10:06 AM said:
Yeah, I just noticed I have alot of spare time each weekday now like 2hours or more sometimes. Games arent really interesting anymore, and my gp2x I usually use at school, or whenever.
Cheers.. lala
Get a girl/boy-friend :rolleyes:
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