What do you most want from a GP32 Site?


Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK
I've started work on my GP32 site- "The GP32 Pie"

I have a few ideas knocking about, but what would you like to see most? So far, I have plans for....

Compatability List's For most emulators
A huge section dedicated to Commercial Games
Best Multi-format game version list
Articles ready to be read on the GP32:)
And much more....
It would be great if you had a few screenshots of the games in your Compatability List.

I am always looking for new games to play and a screenshot helps alot to judge the game.

Looking foward to your site :)
I would like to see a site where you can download the latest version of any games/engines/emulators, with a brief summary on each one like so:

Saving - In game saving and save states
Sound - Near perfect
Speed - Near perfect
Compatibilty - High
Virtual keyboard - N/A
Save control mappings - N/A
Warnings - None

With the emus grouped together if they are for the same system, so you can decide which one best suits your needs for the system you want to emulate.

In the 'Warnings' section you could put any useful additional info it is worth knowing e.g. the thing in fGB that makes it look as though you have lost your saves if you add any new ROMs (can't remember the full details but it was explained on this board somewhere).

Of course, it is a lot of work for someone to keep this kind of information updated.
How about 'nothing' ;)

I offered to create a gp32 site several times. news site, rom reviews, downloads.. anything. But I was told both times that no one was interested in a new gp32 site.

BUT.... I wish you the best with it and I hope its a cracker ;)
just do it, i took some heat with my site, i know its crappy but hey, i've gone over 1000 hits so somebody has to be visiting it. :P
I'd love to have the free games listed alphabetically and by category. And all of them having a screen shot plus short summary of what is is about. You can then allow the visitors to write small reviews or comments about each game.

Sometimes people release games and all you get is a link to a Zip file. This really doesnt get me interested enough to download it and try it on my GP32. But if I see a screen shot and a small summary I'm more likely to want to try it out.
Definately Screenshots for everything - for the people who judge a book by it's cover(me) :P

Also a good description and how exacly to get it on the GP32
A lot of information is passed around these forums, but within a few days is knocked to the back pretty quick. A way of capturing this would be great. For example I didnt know about the FPK/ZPK extractor until I searched out these forums....

Info for newbies who want to develop but can't code:

e.g. Cinema Skinmaker, Doom WADs, Windup Backgrounds, Aquafish Bgds etc...

Also information on the more obscure games out there, that first time round was unable to play (e.g. Jap SNES games, because I live in the UK).
personally i think there is a real need for a very concise site with reviews for each program and comparing it ot other programs.

When i saw Zen's site it looked really good a site i would definitely use and then he decided not to make it :(
There are tons of free games for the gp32, but I don't actually know of a site that tells me which ones are worth putting on my smc. I mean only two weeks ago I found out about drunken frogger, which is very very good, only by accident.
And another thing you could do is maybe a faq for specific problems that would never make it to the gp32x faq but the forums are always filled with them (for example "I flashed my bios to mfw2 but windups doesn't save my desktop")
it would be nice if the faq was lik-sang style, someone would post a problem, and if you approve of it, it will appear on the faq unanswered until someone comes up with an approved answer...
A listing of the best games for each system - small review + settings and it plays on the GP32.

DivX movie downloads.
THE big thing that a lot of people dont take into account when they start a site is BANDWIDTH. If you are going to be hosting anything like DivX movies or even software, you could get through a LOT of it, and bandwidth costs money. I.e. are you considering sponsership etc? Just thought I'd mention it :)