What About Multiplayer?


Still Fresh
Apr 4, 2007
This is my 1st post so, don't be very hard with me ^^, sorry about my English :P . I know I should use the wiki, the FAQ and the search options. I've been readin a few threads about it, and i didn't get anything really clear about it. I just wanna know if someone is taking seriously the task of developing any multiplayer mode (new net functions in the SDL, multiplayer options in emulators or just any library to program with C or whatever) in any kind of way (such bluetooth, serial cable, wifi or whatever).
I know LiquidWars is multiplayer (and greetings 4 do that) but, that's all? Nobody tried to do a serial cable and some libs to develop PvP or something. I know wifi is a waste of battery, I know u can use a BoB to connect any usb gadget (if drivers are available), I know too that some guy (i cant remember the name now) did something about bluetooth but I didn't understand well the use of that files...I've been asking in the gp32/gp2x spanish forum about this task but nobody seems to be able to do something in that direction 'cos nobody seem to be interested 'cos nobody have pals to play in multiplayer with the gp2x. Of course if i'm asking that's why i have pals to do it. I asked 4 bluetooth way, but many said that it'll works only with 2 players, is that a problem? many of the emulators are only for machines that only have a 2 players mode...
Don't answer if u don't want, don't take it serious and ask this thread with anger. Feel free to ask if u think u can say anything that could be interesting, if not, just let it be :)

Thank u
I see a few problems for the reason why not many emus have multi-gp2x multiplayer:

Not many people have friends that have gp2x that they want to use multiplayer games with.

It's quite difficult to synchronise an emulator to run over a network of any sort.

and finally, not many people care about networking multiplayer.
I too think that multiplayer on emulators and homebrew would rock, but I believe, I am the only one in possession of a gp2x in 50 km proximity.
Maybe what would be better is 2 controller support for USB for more emulators. And Keyboard/Mouse don't work either (I would be playing Descent right now :(, but ironically the guy who ported from Linux Removed the keyboard input, and it likely would have worked fine because we use SDL and a standard 2.4 kernel).

Of course the problem is the same one, connectivity, all the developers don't have the BoB because it is stupid and too expensive.

So the fault lies technically with GPH for not releasing a proper EXT to USB/Serial cable that we can afford.

:( :( It doesn't make me happy, I tried to find and make my own version, but due to limited resources cannot. The EXT connector is $0.15 apiece, you must order 500, and shipping from China, so it is more than $200 to get that connector. It is not available elsewhere.

The USB chip is only $0.28 or so in large quantities like 500, and it is available in much smaller quantities (I bought 2), and you can order it from digikey.com.

Then I need a circuit board and A/V connectors and an enclosure, so it is too much for me to try and design/build/market in my own.
Thank u very much 4 asking :)

Squidge said:
I see a few problems for the reason why not many emus have multi-gp2x multiplayer:

Not many people have friends that have gp2x that they want to use multiplayer games with.

It's quite difficult to synchronise an emulator to run over a network of any sort.

and finally, not many people care about networking multiplayer.
First I want to thank u Squidge 4 develop ur Snes emulator.

It's very possible that u will know some other Snes emulators, one of those is Znes, open source and with functions 4 multiplayer gaming in a local network and by the internet. It would be possible to ports these functions to ur emulator or any else to do what i'm asking? it a retarded idea? :lol: Thank u anyways ;)

nubie said:
Maybe what would be better is 2 controller support for USB for more emulators.


So the fault lies technically with GPH for not releasing a proper EXT to USB/Serial cable that we can afford.

Thank u nubie 4 ur usb diy tutorial. I've been thinkin in do the same as u, make a usb cable from the ext port and plug it in a usb hub with battery to make it portable. A very good idea and better than BoB at least 4 the non-programmer user (is not my case but i'm not a good programmer, i'm still learning :P ). About the serial cable, me and one friend have been thinking in make one by ourselves taking 2 video-out cables (taking the ext plug) and join the cables of the serial connections. I don't know if my explaining is the best, but is the best i can do :lol: But instead i though too about makin a ext-usb cable and plug an bluetooth hub in both gp2x and play wireless, but at the end its all the same, I can make the effort to make my own cable or whatever but there's no software to play with that, so that's the task i've been asking 4. I think the best thing to do multiplayer with our gp2x is the usb joysticks solution but is not my favourite :(

About the deficiency of gp2x between our friends, i told is not my case (in a small town with 12000 people livin in it of Spain in the ass of Andalusia i got 2 friends that got gp2x too and one that is purchasing it) but I know it's not the common, so I just can play with myself...

Thank u anyways 4 listening me :)
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xnopasaranx said:
but I believe, I am the only one in possession of a gp2x in 50 km proximity.
You live in Hannover, right? Well, i live in Hildesheim, that´s about 30 km depending on where exactly you are...
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