Vote! @ Smithsonian Institute while you can

very nice, thanks ;)

bit wars, bit wars, bit wars :lol:
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How did I miss this thread?

Also, how did Pac-Man for the Atari 2600 win?!
The same way that schlock like Zack & Wiki did, I assume. :p (And somehow as "Combat/Strategy", at that. It's not either of those.)
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Because it was a separate vote for each category/system, and there weren't many other well-known games for the Atari 2600.
I would have to respectfully disagree. There are a LOT of well-known games for the Atari 2600 (and I'm only talking of ones original to it, here - there are an awful lot more of them if you count arcade conversions, which it seems that this poll did), and a great many which are much more highly-regarded than the 2600 port of Pac-Man. I'd list some, but that would make this an extremely long-winded post. :lol:
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I can't believe I missed this while the voting was live, but the results were still interesting. Thank you for posting the link.