Vista (remote Desktop)

mindlord said:
100% happening. There is an Rdesktop client in the Angstrom repos already.
Sure, ruin the surprise why don't you? I'll bet you tell other people's kids the Easter Bunny isn't real, too.
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_Sterling said:
Sure, ruin the surprise why don't you? I'll bet you tell other people's kids the Easter Bunny isn't real, too.
As a matter of fact... I DO! BWA-HA-HA!
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Creature XL said:
To those talking bout VNC. VNC runs on everything, sure. However, it is a CPU hog. AFAIK (some years ago) it just simply sends a copy of the desktop over the network (without packing anything). I have no clue about RDP, however, it works really fast.
Its more of a bandwidth hog than a CPU hog. TightVNC uses jpeg-like compression bringing the size down quite a bit. The server is also multiplatform. It is a viable and widely used solution for a reason.

Creature XL said:
For those not too familiar with Rdesktop, try googling "seamless rdesktop" thats the uber shit. you can have the aplications windows from Windows AND linux side by side. That is, the window manager on the Pandora handles the WinXP windows aswell. :o
Same with X11 forwarding on Linux desktops. There are a variety of applications that do this between platforms. Funniest thing of all is using X11 forwarding with WINE, now, that, is the shit :)
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Kloplop321 said:
is everyone done pointing out the obvious with ActiveX?
By the way, ActiveX are just prettied up COM controls running Windows code, so they won't work on the Pandora.

Also, +1 for VNC :D
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