i've installed devkitadvance r4 and chn's gp32 patch. compiling c++ programs works well, until i use virtual methods. then i get linker errors like these:
what's wrong ?
i've installed devkitadvance r4 and chn's gp32 patch. compiling c++ programs works well, until i use virtual methods. then i get linker errors like these:
C:\Documents and Settings\tom\My Documents\code\gp32\smbgp32>make
c:/dkagp32/bin/arm-agb-elf-gcc -Wl,-T c:/dkagp32/arm-agb-elf/lib/lnkscript -o gp
test.elf gpmain.o c:/dkagp32/arm-agb-elf/lib/gpsdk/gpstart/gpstart.o -lgpsdk -lg
pgraphic -lgpmem -lgpos -lgpstdlib -lgpstdio -lgpsound -lgpfont -lgpg_ex01
gpmain.o(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTI1A+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxab
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [gptest.elf] Error 1
what's wrong ?