You're pushing your luck little man
I haven't really used my GP2X much for video, but now I want to 
I'm using the following command to convert a WMV file to xvid, but when played on the GP2X it plays fine for a few seconds then the video drops to about 1FPS while the audio plays on at full speed, completely out of sync.
That bitrate=9000000 results in a video bitrate of about 300kbps on my computer, while bitrate=300 results in a video bitrate of about 25kbps
I think the problem might be related to that.
I'm using the following command to convert a WMV file to xvid, but when played on the GP2X it plays fine for a few seconds then the video drops to about 1FPS while the audio plays on at full speed, completely out of sync.
mencoder input.wmv -o output.avi -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts bitrate=9000000 -vf scale=320:-3 -lameopts cbr:br=80
That bitrate=9000000 results in a video bitrate of about 300kbps on my computer, while bitrate=300 results in a video bitrate of about 25kbps