Video Player Not Working


Still Fresh
Jan 5, 2006
Hi y'all this is my first post,

Just received GP2X today, video player was working fine. Demo movie (pinguin girl) was working like a dream, I then tried out a larger .avi (350MB) and the video player crashed.

Since that crash no movies will work at all now. All that happens is the window comes up saying 'Loading' and then a bunch of flickering lines, or just a flickering grey screen and a crackling noise. This includes demo 'Pinguin' movie which i deleted and re-installed from company supplied CD.

The batteries have only had about 30 mins use so I cant see it being that.

Could i have corrupted the video player software?

Can anyone help?
Were they the batteries that came with the gp2x? Ive heard tales of those only getting 45 minutes of battery life. The promised 6 hours with normal double AAs hasnt come and isn't foreseeable in the near future, you need some good rechargeable batteries to get some decent playback time.
Ok great, it works with new batteries.

Thats good, will invest in some rechargeables,

Thanks for your help,
Well, there is a battery meter in the Settings section, I think there should be a sticky set here somewhere that says, check the battery meter first! regardless of how long it's been running on those batteries and how much the batteries SHOULD last, they don't deliver near the advertised length, very misleading for them to say 10 hour battery life and then ship them out with batteries that people expect to get 10 hours out of.