Vic-20 Emulator


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
I'm told a port of a VIC-20 emulator would run full-speed with no optimisation on the GP32... (it's only 1mhz, 5k RAM or something)

and i've heard before that coders would rather go for the glory of emulating something a bit more... impressive, but...

it would be nice.

i know ports require source code, and i did google about a year ago and i'm not sure if I found much... but I guess i'm just saying (like in the topic description)

it would be nice.

anyone agree? it had some wicked text adventures, and the litte-known 'perils of willy' AND it had the best version of 'Gorf' known to man... :P

Whilst the Vic-20 had some good games, it would seem to be a bit of a waste of time creating a emu just for text adventures - Who bothers playing them on GP32 with a virtual keyboard?
You don't need to port a VIC20 emu, you could probably do one yourself in a couple of hours from nothing. The system really is that basic. The trick is to find someone who can actually be bothered to do one, as per usual, as there are very little advantages of having one. Not everyone likes Gorf!
I'd love a VIC 20 emulator. Blue Meanies was cool - some guy has just remade it for the Mac.

I would also love to be able to play Starship Escape which was awesome, but needed the 16K ram pack...
Dalto posted on Feb 19 2005 at 09:55 PM said:
How different is the VIC-20 from C64?

very different. it was kinda the generation before the c64/speccy. 5k RAM, 8? colours...
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The VIC 20 wasnt a bad early machine but i cant see many people wanting to do an emulator for it. Only has a very small number of decent games.

Bit like Speccy fans wanting a ZX81 emulator, for hardcore Spectrum fans they may want this but the majority of games were poor and i doubt if many people would really want this.

Like someone else pointed out text adventures would be near impossible to play but yeah i would like to see Perils of Willy one day.
psj3809 posted on Feb 21 2005 at 03:29 PM said:
The VIC 20 wasnt a bad early machine but i cant see many people wanting to do an emulator for it. Only has a very small number of decent games.

Bit like Speccy fans wanting a ZX81 emulator, for hardcore Spectrum fans they may want this but the majority of games were poor and i doubt if many people would really want this.

Like someone else pointed out text adventures would be near impossible to play but yeah i would like to see Perils of Willy one day.

it's on par with those early atari console games, as far as I can see.

perils of willy *would* be nice. I agree.

incidentally, did any of you know there was a commodore plus 4 emulator for GP32? spotted this on usenet the other day:

YapeSDL GP32 - Commodore Plus4 Emulator (2002)(Christian Nowak)(PD)[gxb]

never knew that (the emu) existed until now... it (the +4) is even more obscure :P
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psj3809 posted on Feb 21 2005 at 02:29 PM said:
Bit like Speccy fans wanting a ZX81 emulator, for hardcore Spectrum fans they may want this but the majority of games were poor and i doubt if many people would really want this.
Most Speccy fans don't even know what a ZX81 is, and you'd have to be a pretty dedicated (and sad) ZX81 fan to get so bored a few months ago that you spend an hour porting an older version of z81 (because it only has about 3 files, making it about half the size of the latest version) with the intention of including it as an easter egg in something or another, then remember about it a couple of days ago and decide to add a file selector and button mapper so you can release it any day now.
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woogal posted on Feb 21 2005 at 09:17 PM said:
psj3809 posted on Feb 21 2005 at 02:29 PM said:
Bit like Speccy fans wanting a ZX81 emulator, for hardcore Spectrum fans they may want this but the majority of games were poor and i doubt if many people would really want this.
Most Speccy fans don't even know what a ZX81 is, and you'd have to be a pretty dedicated (and sad) ZX81 fan to get so bored a few months ago that you spend an hour porting an older version of z81 (because it only has about 3 files, making it about half the size of the latest version) with the intention of including it as an easter egg in something or another, then remember about it a couple of days ago and decide to add a file selector and button mapper so you can release it any day now.

woogal is teh L33K

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woogal posted on Feb 21 2005 at 08:17 PM said:
psj3809 posted on Feb 21 2005 at 02:29 PM said:
Bit like Speccy fans wanting a ZX81 emulator, for hardcore Spectrum fans they may want this but the majority of games were poor and i doubt if many people would really want this.
Most Speccy fans don't even know what a ZX81 is, and you'd have to be a pretty dedicated (and sad) ZX81 fan to get so bored a few months ago that you spend an hour porting an older version of z81 (because it only has about 3 files, making it about half the size of the latest version) with the intention of including it as an easter egg in something or another, then remember about it a couple of days ago and decide to add a file selector and button mapper so you can release it any day now.

You've lost me a bit there !

Dont get me wrong many people like the first machine they bought, whether thats a Vic 20 or a ZX81 and like to relive those early games they originally played.

If there was a ZX81 emulator i would like to try it as that really is a throwback to the early early years of computing.

As for 'most Speccy fans dont even know what a ZX81 is' i dont believe that in an instance. C64 fans know about the Vic 20 and other Commodore machines whether they had one or not and every Speccy fan i know all know about the ZX81 or QL or even ZX80. Probably hardly use them but i think people know about them for sure.
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Since 1997 there is a zx81 emulator for the ZX Spectrum.

The only reason why it is built is to play "3D MONSTER MAZE", however
it runs a lot of games, but not all. Speed is a problem, but some games are altered
by deleting some waiting loops.

Better is SAM81 the ZX81 emulator for the SAM Coupe. It runs on full speed, but no hi-res.

We are working on hi-res now (nov 2005)

Download at
toxibunny posted on Feb 19 2005 at 12:39 AM said:
anyone agree?  it had some wicked text adventures,  and the litte-known 'perils of willy' AND it had the best version of 'Gorf' known to man... :P

The ColecoVision port was a CLEARLY better Gorf.

That said, I think the VICE project has some documents on the guts of the C64 and VIC-20 as they pertain to emulation; if someone wants to write an emulator from scratch that'd be a good place to start. Perhaps you could use some of their open-source code, as well. I haven't looked at the source but it seems relatively portable.
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Squidge posted on Feb 19 2005 at 05:48 PM said:
You don't need to port a VIC20 emu, you could probably do one yourself in a couple of hours from nothing. The system really is that basic. The trick is to find someone who can actually be bothered to do one, as per usual, as there are very little advantages of having one. Not everyone likes Gorf!
My first ever computer was a VIC20; it was bought for the family business to do vat returns after my dad watched a couple of t.v. adverts for it!
If anyone wanted to remake the VIC20, I've a bit of string and some fluff here I could contribute - a bit of sellotape and an upside down eggbox and I think we've cracked it!
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We really need a port of VICE, since Frodo (while cool) is very incompatible with a LOT of things (I need those early EA games plz). As a bonus we'd get the Vic20 (who forgot to mention Omega Race???).

Speaking of Colecovision ... That's the emu I'm asking Santa for this Christmas (well, that and Amiga 500 - but I'm wagering a Colecovision one will come first).
toxibunny posted on Feb 19 2005 at 02:39 AM said:
I'm told a port of a VIC-20 emulator would run full-speed with no optimisation on the GP32... (it's only 1mhz, 5k RAM or something)

and i've heard before that coders would rather go for the glory of emulating something a bit more... impressive, but...

it would be nice.

i know ports require source code, and i did google about a year ago and i'm not sure if I found much... but I guess i'm just saying (like in the topic description)

it would be nice.

anyone agree? it had some wicked text adventures, and the litte-known 'perils of willy' AND it had the best version of 'Gorf' known to man... :P


I'd love to see this also. Jupiter Lander and Gridrunner are great on the Vic-20. I was hoping that Vice would be ported giving access to a bunch of different commodore machines.

Gorf rocks too yep

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Some recommendations

Star Defence by Anirog 16K Defender clone - Awesome almost better than Defender on the arcade.

Myriad - 3k or 8K by Rabbit - Excellent clone of Astro Blaster

Gridrunner, Abductor, Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time, Matrix, Lazerzone, Hellgate all by Jeff Minter all great gameplay and soundz

Jelly Monsters - Pacman clone that got banned for being too good

Perils of Willy - Better than the Speccy IMHO

If you want to know about REAL programming then look at the Vic stuff - none of this bloated fill a DVD with rubbish just pure hard gameplay in 3583 to 19997 bytes of ram.

Someone please port VICE or MESS to the GP2x and I will be off to GBAX like a shot!!!


Vice was ported and I went to GBAX - Donate to Snaff from his web page

Donate to Snaff author of Vice2x