Unofficial Openpandora Community Blog

Squidge said:
Seems a little daft to copy all those updates to another site just to get RSS capability when most people wanting news visit the forums anyway at least once a day.
I'd rather have a blog to go to for all the updates then have to come to the forum. Everybody has their own preferred methods of information and just because you like to get your information one way doesn't mean everybody else does too.

Good call on the blog :)
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smanky said:
I'd rather have a blog to go to for all the updates then have to come to the forum. Everybody has their own preferred methods of information and just because you like to get your information one way doesn't mean everybody else does too.

Actually, I'm indifferent. I don't prefer either way. People are just talking about "everything should be in one place" and that thread does exactly that - it combines everything into a single web page which you can check for updates; and even more importantly, it points you directly to the posts on the forum where the official information can be found, plus any further questions and answers about that subject. An unofficial blog is fine also, but some people prefer to get the info direct from a developer, and that list does exactly that.

quartercast said:
Didn't Chip start compiling the list (at least mentally) way before being part of the "dev team"? If so, I'd hardly consider it an "official list", at least not in its inception.
Well, it links directly to the posts made by the certain developers, so thats about as official as your going to get.
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You are right, Squidge, but a blog has got the huge advantage, that there is no off topic crap surrounding the real info ;)
I started my blog after the pre-orders were finished. And my idea is to provide a really short summary that includes only the most important news for people who do not want to spend a lot of time on forums and blogs piecing together scattered and sometimes only mildly interesting news. So far, it does not have a lot of visitors. What is really strange, you cannot find it in google (there is no way). Does anyone have an idea why?
MiniSinisterMinister said:
What is really strange, you cannot find it in google (there is no way). Does anyone have an idea why?
Off topic, but could be of use to mazza558 too:
Submit it to
Submit it to Google and use their tools to keep them updated, Yahoo etc
Good use of keywords
Remember that content (words) drives page rank.
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TaG said:
MiniSinisterMinister said:
What is really strange, you cannot find it in google (there is no way). Does anyone have an idea why?
Off topic, but could be of use to mazza558 too:
Submit it to
Submit it to Google and use their tools to keep them updated, Yahoo etc
Good use of keywords
Remember that content (words) drives page rank.

I think an old google pages website of mine (no longer used) reached the top of the search results after only 6 months - with no interference.

mali said:
Something you might want to add to the blog:

I've added the keyboard info, but I want to post new info from this point onwards.
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Thanks, mazza. Have the site bookmarked. Just remember that if the site doesn't get updated within minutes of new info springing up, we all know who to shake a stick at :D
sinoth said:
Thanks, mazza. Have the site bookmarked. Just remember that if the site doesn't get updated within minutes of new info springing up, we all know who to shake a stick at :D
TaG has expressed an interest in helping with things. If anyone else wants to, just PM me.

I just checked the blog stats and it's had around 800 hits today alone:


Not bad :)
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Thanks TaG for the links.

mazza558 800 hits wow! My record is 60 hits on one single day. I think it was on the day I published my GP2X-F200 review. There were also expectionally many hits on the first weekend the final Pandora prototype was to supposed to be revealed.
MiniSinisterMinister said:
Thanks TaG for the links.

mazza558 800 hits wow! My record is 60 hits on one single day. I think it was on the day I published my GP2X-F200 review. There were also expectionally many hits on the first weekend the final Pandora prototype was to supposed to be revealed.
It's approaching 1000 now :D

TaG and PlopperZ are in the process of joining at the moment. TaG will handle small community updates and anything that I miss if I'm away/inactive, and PlopperZ will handle software.
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Newbie posting here, have come a little late to the party missing the order date but certainly thinking one from the second batch. Anyway, being a little more of an outsider than most here I find this blog (provided its kept updated like it is now) a very welcome addition, everyone seems to be hungry for even little nuggets of news and I'm sure Craig et all are pretty busy so the official blog does lag a bit and only has the bigger news items which is where this blog fits in perfectly IF you're not fussed about trawling through every thread on the forum everyday!

Obviously some people practically live on the forums, nothing wrong with that but others (myself included) don't have that much time to spare even if we'd like to, I now have it as a live bookmark in FF and I can quite happily click and read the thread if I want more info too. Doesn't mean I won't visit the board either, just makes it less of a chore to find out stuff and more time to read some of the other threads I sometimes miss. I for one like it and hope people get behind it.
Thanks muchly, the lack of RSS was driving me spare.

As for the idea that I might want to check the message boards / blog every day when there's a significant update less than once a week..... Not impressed.

I have not 'browsed' the web for years now, everything I do is done through an RSS reader. It would simply be impossible to keep track of all the projects, blogs, news, photos, twitters that I care about without it, and I find it rather arrogant that anyone would expect me to, or expect me to keep track in a different way that's incompatible with the standard.
When there is something news worthy from the German board, I'll post it in this thread, so that you can include it in the blog :)
mali said:
When there is something news worthy from the German board, I'll post it in this thread, so that you can include it in the blog :)
I was hoping you would... :) Thanks mali.
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wraggster said:
hmm i set up a webpage more for my remembering as a future site for dcemu ages ago at it has pretty much every item i can gather in it, roll on the day we are playing with the pandora eh ;)

This seems comprehensive and a nice read! Does feel a little like the new community blog is going to be a mirror of this in some respects; don't suppose you two would consider joining forces. Heck if you get another 3 recruits you might even be able to summon captain planet (it was 5 people that were needed wasn't it? Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Heart?)

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Great work on the blog.

All gaming related sites are blocked at work, so now I've got something to check during the day! :D
Gruso said:
All gaming related sites are blocked at work, so now I've got something to check during the day! :D
So easy to get past them. :)

If you got a server somewhere, us it as a proxy ( if you use linux, use ssh as a socks proxy -> see google ;) ). Or setup a remote desktop ( on your home pc or on a server ( oa nxserver ) ). And the best part of it all... Nobody can trace what you do when you are using a secure connection. Close the connection or remote window, and there is 0 proof left. :)

A tip, setup the remote port ( on your server / home pc ) to 443. The traffic will looks like "normal" secure traffic. :)

What? Nothing wrong with going past those pesky firewall's or filters... What do you think the people do that manage them. I have yet to see a IT'er that does not use a backdoor to get past the filters he/she needs to manage. And lets not forget the boss's who like to implement filters, but always want there own pc's to be unfiltered. :( The only people who are victim are the rest off the people who don't have a clue how to get past. It has been show, that people who take a few breaks doing none work related things ( like looking at gaming websites ) are more productive then people who are forced to do there job none stop ( this is ofcourse not taking in account the minority off people who actually misuse it, and do nothing all day long ).
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