Unofficial Openpandora Community Blog

cosurgi said:
I see on the right panel, in the bottom several "empty" links: Array, Happy new year of the Pandora!, Updates for December ..... They all point to and not to a particular news post on the website.
Unfortunately, the news / blog posts aren't directly linkable.
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The fucking best news in Pandora history for such a damn Quake addict that I am :D

Benchmark scores of Quake2 timedemo demo1 320x240, software rendering:
craigix said:
689 frames, 21.7 seconds, 31.7 fps 500MHz
689 frames, 18.4 seconds, 37.5 fps 600MHz
689 frames, 14.3 seconds, 48.2 fps 800MHz
I was worried because of Cortex' crippled VFP unit, but now I'm totally relieved :D
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Thanks again for the heads up Mali. Nice numbers. I'm just about to fall off my perch into a bed but I'm sure one of the others will amble through shortly.

In other news, I've got ten bucks that says the blog will crack the 5,000 hit mark today. :D

Could someone who's seen that tribute video blog it? I would, but I can't watch it because Macs suck.
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Gruso said:
In other news, I've got ten bucks that says the blog will crack the 5,000 hit mark today. :D
Looks like it's happened already! It's already at 5,100 views today, with approximately 4 hours to go. I reckon it'll easily hit 6,000.
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MWeston said:
Thanks for the comments. I could easily have demoed more games if I plugged in a USB game pad, but that was defeating the purpose of this video and I will leave ole Zoddy to do that kind of stuff as he works on more and more stable builds. :)

To be honest, I have never tried the Angstrom builds because I have been worried it is a complicated process and I have to reformat a memory card with an ext2 partition and stuff like that. I will talk to DJ Willis about it and see if I can get something going before the weekend.

It should be interesting to see it working with the internal keyboard which is probably what some people want to see. I can type at like 90 wpm on a full sized keyboard, but I bet as soon as the buttons are small (and with no labels!) I'll be hunting and pecking like a muthaf.... uh well you know. :)

craigix said:
The CNC is being ordered on monday.

But it will just be a shiny version of the same thing, we really want to move ahead now and not delay this anymore.
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Gruso said:
Oh, and mazza was right. 6,263 views yesterday. The previous best was 4,738. I spend too much time reading the stats btw.

Already at 4213 for today with several hours to go.
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We hit 7,000 yesterday, and with all the tech sites linking to the blog (and quoting my estimate for release date all over the place), it'll probably hit 10,000 or more tomorrow.

Good times!
MWeston said:
I finally got Angstrom running this afternoon. I just couldn't get an SD card loaded with multi-partitions so I could have the FAT boot partition and the EXT2 filesystem on one card so I had to make them separate. After almost a day of fighting with that, it's working!

I don't have time for a video just yet. I must be off to a family get together in about 10 minutes, so I offer a quick snapshot:

It still needs a mouse attached, but it uses the internal keyboard.
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