Unofficial Openpandora Community Blog

^ I got a 404, start there. :p

Re: theme changes (to the wordpress blog), I agree that it's best to leave things for now. A few people aren't happy, but there will always be a few unhappy peeps. I don't really understand how it's taking up half the screen for people running higher resolutions (someone said 1680x1050). I'm running 1280x1024 on this PC, here's a screenshot:

...I get the feeling people are running out of real estate because they're running 15 different toolbars in their browser.

For later on (say, when we have actual Pandora screens to allow for), I'm currently toying with this: (just using the blog as a scratchpad, not starting another one!)

Fixed width, custom header, nice and minimal. Something to keep on the backburner anyway, I think there have been enough changes for now. :)

[edit] Actually, it would be kinda cool to "launch" a new look blog to celebrate the first Pandora shipment.
^ Yeah my ISP had some problems.. =( should probably work fine now.

About the theme. IMO for it to look more sleek you need to eliminate the gap between header image and actual header.\

Edit: And it looks ok at 1920x1080 a little lonely, but ok xD

Gruso said:
^ I got a 404, start there. :p

Re: theme changes (to the wordpress blog), I agree that it's best to leave things for now. A few people aren't happy, but there will always be a few unhappy peeps. I don't really understand how it's taking up half the screen for people running higher resolutions (someone said 1680x1050). I'm running 1280x1024 on this PC, here's a screenshot:

...I get the feeling people are running out of real estate because they're running 15 different toolbars in their browser.

For later on (say, when we have actual Pandora screens to allow for), I'm currently toying with this: (just using the blog as a scratchpad, not starting another one!)

Fixed width, custom header, nice and minimal. Something to keep on the backburner anyway, I think there have been enough changes for now. :)

[edit] Actually, it would be kinda cool to "launch" a new look blog to celebrate the first Pandora shipment.

What's that theme called?
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@ Hotcooler: Agreed, but Wordpress doesn't give us access to the CSS unless we fork over money.

Nice maximised browser window there. :p I don't run anything full screen on my HD display, for that reason.

@ Mazza: It's called "Neat!".
Hmm. ok. Maybe you can change background color to something to match the Header bg? Or you cant edit everything exept post and settings related?

BTW For some reason I allways run browsers maximised... some sort of habit-o-mine.
Chip said:
I've just heard from Debs that they're only about 10% done with reorders. It's going to take a while folks, just sit tight.
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The FAQ JavaJake has compiled should be approved by Open Pandora Inc. first, especially the part about them discounting the fee for transfers IMO
mali said:
The FAQ JavaJake has compiled should be approved by Open Pandora Inc. first, especially the part about them discounting the fee for transfers IMO

Kind of agree here. Seems dangerous to post that if it's not 110% sure it's actually true.
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Maybe I missed an update or something, but what's the deal with "Estimated Release Date: 9th March"? If it's just the personal guess of one of the guys working on the blog and wasn't stated by one of the developers, then maybe it shouldn't be there (considering the purpose of the blog, providing readers with information & details about pandora news, and the whole "voice of the community" aspect, etc.). If it was said by Chip somewhere, then never mind :D
Azure said:
Maybe I missed an update or something, but what's the deal with "Estimated Release Date: 9th March"? If it's just the personal guess of one of the guys working on the blog and wasn't stated by one of the developers, then maybe it shouldn't be there (considering the purpose of the blog, providing readers with information & details about pandora news, and the whole "voice of the community" aspect, etc.). If it was said by Chip somewhere, then never mind :D

That was based on the "roadmap" AFAIK
I didn't write it, so I couldn't say for sure. Might've been some confusion considering March 9th is the estimated release date for the Wiz.
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Yes, it's basically my prediction based on everything seen so far (roadmap, ordering, other news). Perhaps I'll changing it to "unofficial estimated date".
Squidge said:
Username said:
Wow, so the 3D acceleration can be used now, or am I just confused?

Yes, the 3D acceleration can be used by pre-compiled applications. DJ has the drivers working on several kernel versions.
craigix said:
Also TI only just told me today they were public and that we could post videos. Until now, as far as I'm aware, this has always been a gray area and they were only available by request.
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It was not long ago, ED spoke from January release...Well, I still hoping the Pandora will be in my hands early or Mid February...maybe END but PLEASE not later. It really makes depressive if you see the slow progress, the delays and not be able to accelerate something. :(
I would visit the factories every deliverer of the Parts, I would kick their asses, swing the whip behind the workers, to support a faster Pandora manufacturing, torture the bank managers so they give OpenPandora credit,everything until we get what we want, but I can't.
So what can WE do to get our Pandoras as fast as possible?
fusion_power said:
It was not long ago, ED spoke from January release...Well, I still hoping the Pandora will be in my hands early or Mid February...maybe END but PLEASE not later. It really makes depressive if you see the slow progress, the delays and not be able to accelerate something. :(
I would visit the factories every deliverer of the Parts, I would kick their asses, swing the whip behind the workers, to support a faster Pandora manufacturing, torture the bank managers so they give OpenPandora credit,everything until we get what we want, but I can't.
So what can WE do to get our Pandoras as fast as possible?
Dont worry, you'll get your Pandora on the same day as Duke Nukem Forever is released :blink: :ph34r: B)
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DynaMight said:
fusion_power said:
It was not long ago, ED spoke from January release...Well, I still hoping the Pandora will be in my hands early or Mid February...maybe END but PLEASE not later. It really makes depressive if you see the slow progress, the delays and not be able to accelerate something. :(
I would visit the factories every deliverer of the Parts, I would kick their asses, swing the whip behind the workers, to support a faster Pandora manufacturing, torture the bank managers so they give OpenPandora credit,everything until we get what we want, but I can't.
So what can WE do to get our Pandoras as fast as possible?
Dont worry, you'll get your Pandora on the same day as Duke Nukem Forever is released :blink: :ph34r: B)

Confirmed: Pandora can run Duke Nukem Forever!
Or you can just play Duke Nukem forever. :p
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And to make image viewing better expirience on your blog I suggest to add plugin named Shutter Reloaded like I did here. It's really fast and compatible version of lightbox JS and other similar JS stuff. It even working really well on Iphone xD

And if you're worried about pic size - it will resize image according to browser window size.
We did have a list of links before, I think the video vault was included. It would be good to have that back I think, along with links to the the other blogs. That's up to Mazza of course, along with the photo plugin idea.

Good to see your blog up and running Hotcooler, I hadn't checked in on it. :)
I don't think the new theme has true support for links - the links widget's not selectable :(
And I don't think you can run any plugins as the menu is not even there on standard wordpress hosted blogs.