Unofficial Openpandora Community Blog

Proposed new blog header:


Heavily inspired by the work of others, basically I just had to play around with layers. /wipes sweat from brow
Gruso, look great! As mali said, if you could fit "the voice of the community" in there somewhere (bottom right?), that'd be great.
PlopperZ said:
Wow, the site looks perfect now. Don't change a thing :)
My designer germs are itching again :)

There is room for some improvement... There is a large amount off space lost between the post text and the the next post ( aka, the 2 lines ( "comments", "posted in xxx" are taking +- 10 a 12 lines in )).

Comments can be combined in one line with the "posted in xxx" for the next. And the none used lines to be removed. Result: 2 lines used. :) More compact, and more info.

Also, the top banner is taking in to much space. The focus off every news site ( or blog ) is the content. Even with a 1920*1200 screen resolution, at best you can only see 1 news item / blog.

Imho its better to combine the "The Unofficial OpenPandora Blog" text, with the image below it ( the one posted here ). Saves another 15%. ;)
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mazza558 has tried to find the best theme available. He has said that to modify the theme in order to make it just what you want requires buying a CSS add-on for wordpress
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This new header is definitely very nice !

The only minor thing I can see is that with this header + the upper header that says "The unofficial pandora blog", it takes 50% of the page on a 1024x768 laptop screen. When you add the firefox headers, that's more than 50% of the whole screen before you can see the 1st post on the blog. On a pandora screen 800x640 that will be even a bigger percentage.

Just my 2 cents...

Edit: I missed Benjiro post which basically was saying the same thing. As he mentioned merging the 2 headers would save some space.

WizardStan said:
Try to please everyone, and you will please no one.

Indeed. One commenter on the blog says that they're turning their back on it now, and going back to forum searching. BECAUSE OF THE THEME. :huh:

There's a Chad in every crowd.
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I have to say, I am considering changing the theme again, as the header image is huge - on the Pandora, all you'd see is the header image (taking into account space taken up by the OS + browser).
Really guys. Well done. I really like the header as it is. I feel like this "unofficial" blog is "secretly sanctioned" by the higher ups.

Kind of like ThreeSpeech for the PS3...only this blog is awesome.

Yea..Like ThreeSpeech, only better.

PS. I like the header. I just generally like the layout.
Ok, I pretty much found most of the annoying bugs (exept tags in posts and links are not translating) it's time to test it.

Please go here:

and swich languages (flags on the right) see if it's good enough, and what about the speed.

So please test it I need some feedback before it goes kinda live xD