The official blog's been irritating me ever since I started following the project in September - no RSS, and minor updates only available in obscure threads lurking in the forums...
Well, no more will people complain, for I have established a blog on Wordpress!
A clean, simple URL, and I'm quite happy to hand over power to the devs if they want the address and blog for whatever reason.
As I posted when I first started it:
It’d be daft to put the task of reporting every small bit of news on one person’s shoulders, so other people in the community can put their names forward if they want to participate. They can then take up the mantle of responsibility for one particular category, like [hardware].
So, let it begin!
Well, no more will people complain, for I have established a blog on Wordpress!
A clean, simple URL, and I'm quite happy to hand over power to the devs if they want the address and blog for whatever reason.
As I posted when I first started it:
It’d be daft to put the task of reporting every small bit of news on one person’s shoulders, so other people in the community can put their names forward if they want to participate. They can then take up the mantle of responsibility for one particular category, like [hardware].
So, let it begin!