'unable to enumerate USB device' when connecting Pandora to main Debian machine


Jun 9, 2012
I am currently looking into how to get USB networking to work on the Pandora (and then the mass storage mode) - however as soon as I plug in the USB OTG port mini USB -> normal USB on my main Debian machine, the latter starts spamming these messages the in syslog:

Jul 1 18:56:49 omega1 kernel: [30808.400121] hub 9-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3

Jul 1 18:56:49 omega1 kernel: [30808.724080] hub 4-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3

Over and over - it takes less than a minute to get 1000 of these messages. I have tried this with USB networking enabled as a boot service, and then playing around with the mass storage mode. I get emailed whenever warning+ messages happen, so I will not be using this for anything other than tests as it is.

Does anyone have this issue? The port I use on my main machine is irrelevant
, and as a side note it looks like charging doesnt start either (according to the current_now proc file). I have tried with two different mini USB cables so far.


Debian Testing (Wheezy) machine: Linux omega1 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 11 17:24:18 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Pandora: Flashed with SuperZaxxon 5a.
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Just to make sure:

You enabled usbnetworking on startup?

Did you try to set a sdcard into masstoragemode before plugging in?
Out of interest, does it still do this when USB networking is not enabled?

I would also be interested to find out what happens when you plug in the USB cable with mass storage mode enabled. (and yes the script presents a list of the mounted cards for selection, which are then unmounted for use with the mass storage module)

- Neelix
I have disabled USB networking then restarted the Pandora, and hooked up the USB cable - same result.

Turning on mass storage mode then hooking up the cable has the same effect. Interestingly, every time I disable this mode at this point X freezes (could be the whole device, I cant tell) - I have to Pandora button + right power button thing to reboot the device. The clock is a safe 800MHz (chip works fine up to 1050MHz with mplayer2).

On a fresh boot without loading USB Networking or Mass Storage mode could you provide the output of the following?

lsmod on the pandora

dmesg on the pandora end after plugging in the cable

It may also be worth trying a different usb cable to see if that makes any difference and also try connecting it to another desktop machine to see if that has the same effect there.

- Neelix

EDIT: erm... actually, rereading your original post it sounds like you are using a cable with a OTG Host (Mini -A) connector cable, but these modes require the use of a regular USB Mini - B connector on the pandora end. Could you confirm what type of cable you are using?
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http://pandorawiki.o...le:Mini-usb.png <- One on the left... so reading your post, that is correct, however reading the text under the image in the wiki, I should be using Mini-A.

Unfortunately this is the first time I've had any meaningful use of any mini USB cable, so I assume I need to find a Mini-A cable - both the test cables I have are Mini-B.

For completeness' sake, dmesg (kernel boots with 'debug' parameter) and lsmod output attached (appended .txt due to dumb uploader :/)

Edit: Just bought this.




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Right, Ive finally had some time to look at this - behaviour is the same with USB mini-B cable on the laptop, without networking it has an enumeration failure once, with networking it constantly spams the error.

Annoyingly the adaptor I bought (mini-A to USB A receptacle) means that I cant use it currently - I need a USB A to A plug now, bought this.
I've now been able to hook the mini-A -> PC, no difference. Disabling usb networking at startup stops the immediate syslog spam, but it starts up again as soon as I turn on USB host mode.

I have attached the dmesg output from connecting the mini-B cable to Pandora's own A port as asked for in the channel. Doesn't look particularly interesting (note at the end that I plugged in a USB ethernet dongle so that I could connect to the Pandora to fetch dmesg).

I don't mind doing more useful tests, but this is the end of the road for my personal investigation.
Sorry for the double post, cant edit+attach or delete.


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