Trying to figure out the name of a song!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Ok, so this has been driving me nuts for ages, and I just can't find any answers, so I'm going to make a last-ditch effort and see if any of you guys might know the answer. :P

Basically, there was this song that used to be played a lot on Retro Arcade Radio, meaning it was most likely from the 1970s or 1980s. Unfortunately, I don't recall it being correctly tagged, so when it came up in the playlist, I couldn't see who the artist was. The only lyric I can remember, and it was the subject of the song, was "A mysterious light in the sky". Given that it was played on Retro Arcade Radio, it made me think of Space Invaders, naturally, but I'm pretty sure that the song actually had no association with the game.

Googling has not helped me, because the lyric also happens to be a common description of UFO sightings/conspiracies and other such things, even with the additional terms of "song" and "lyrics" are included (which I did because I pre-empted this being an issue with the search).

Does anyone know what this song is called, and who it's by, by any chance, please? :) (I would very much like to buy it, if only I knew what it was called!)
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Tried to figure it out for you, but the criteria is just not specific enough. What genre? Male or Female vocalist? Remember any other lyrics?
I must admit that I'm not sure how to figure it out from this... :(

Tried to figure it out for you, but the criteria is just not specific enough. What genre? Male or Female vocalist? Remember any other lyrics?
I'm not really sure how to describe the genre, which is why I left that out, but I guess the closest I could describe it would be "pop with a slightly alien/spooky feel to it". I just plain forgot about the vocalist, though - the singer was male.

I don't remember any more lyrics, unfortunately - that's partly why this is so maddening. :lol:
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^ Sadly neither, though the music between 2:00 and 2:10 in the first video has the general 80s vibe of the song I'm thinking of, if that's of any help. :lol:
Damn, that's not it either! :lol:

If it's of any help, I'm pretty sure there was also something about "dark clouds" or "dark clouds on the horizon", or something like that...
I'm sorry if these have already been posted, the work computers have those movies blocked. =(

Grand Prix: Thinking of you

Nine inch Nails: Light in the sky (I doubt it's this one)

This also may be it: Alas, I'm unable to find any of their songs right now to proof-hear them.

I shall continue looking into it from home (if I ever get there) as these work computers suck for trying to find music!

Hope that helps...