To The Mods

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just a question. Why was my account Angel suspended. I know it was due to the ipod post i had yesterday but it was in off topic and I have NEVER seen something like that posted before in all the times i've viewed the site. Also, here is a copy of the terms and agreement.

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My post fell within all those guidelines, the offer is not false and I know 2 people that have got their ipods from this and that is why i chose to do it and pass it on to people here if they were interested. Plus, if you want to actually enforce your guidelines then you would need to suspend a ton of other people for their posts as I have seen far worse than a "get a free Ipod" post. and nothing happens to those people.
just a question. Why was my account Angel suspended. I know it was due to the ipod post i had yesterday
You just answered your own question. And you clearly don't browse the forums much, [topic=16561]this[/topic] was posted Dec 31.

And although you probably weren't around, you could have searched for it:

Dec 2
Sep 16
Aug 19
Jul 16

And that's just the one's that weren't deleted.

P.S.The mods don't take kindly to people evading bans with new accounts.
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