These Dang Bevels!!!! [SOLVED]


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
OK, so yesterday I twisted my ankle and fell down while my Pandora was in my pocket.

It still works fine, but now the case isn't "even" - meaning the bevels are slightly popped out.

Now, last time I had trouble with my touch screen, it was because the bevels were too far out and Link ended up popping them back and sent the unit back to me, and I was Pandora-less for a week.

But NOTHING I TRY is making these bevels budge!!  How the HELL do you guys pop these impossible damn things back firmly into place?

Any suggestions?  I'm afraid to try too much force, don't want to break it...but as hard as I dare press with my thumb...can't make it snap any further.

Before the fall the case closed evenly, now it does not.

And I'm worried if the bevels work more loose it will mess up my touchscreen again.



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Could you post a photo of the lid?  It would probably be useful to see what the damage is before offering advice.

- Neelix
I'm not sure if I can realy get a good picture.

They aren't much off, but they are off and weren't before.

I can't use my fingernails for anything, they would break.

I'm trying to push them down with my thumb, but they will not go down any further...and the damned lid is not even, like it used to be.
If you can't get a good picture, could you possibly make a drawing explaining what's up? Also I'm not quite sure what you mean by "bevels". Do you mean the border around the screen is a bit raised at the top of the unit? Once that happened to me and I found I had to pull the "lip" of the top edge of the display outwards a bit so I could push the top part of the border into place. But in any case, be careful as you know how brittle the Pandora's case can be.
Don't know if this is an option, but maybe its the best to remove the inner lid completly (which should not be too hard, if "half" of clips don't keep the lid in place anymore already) , to check wether something is blocking anything.
Don't know if this is an option, but maybe its the best to remove the inner lid completly (which should not be too hard, if "half" of clips don't keep the lid in place anymore already) , to check wether something is blocking anything.
I would do this, at a guess I would say one of your speakers have come loose and now isnt placed correctly so it wont push back down.
I got the problem taken care of.

What I HAD been doing was to press down with my thumb on the edge of the lid, and that wasn't doing it.

/i used my nice long girl firngernails this time, and placed one in the little edge around the screen and right below the bevel..and used my finger, and that did it...the bevels popped right back into place.

So this is now SOLVED.
Not really. With mine I can fasten screws when they are long enough. Girls would never even try that.
Not really. With mine I can fasten screws when they are long enough. Girls would never even try that.
My fingernails grow really fast and are thick and tough. They have a habit of breaking fingernail clippers of the cheaper variety and dulling the more expensive ones.  I have used them on screws before, and they work good enough for some things if I am being lazy.    If they didn't get in the way so much I would try to find more uses for them.  I have been told by women who like having their fingernails long that they are jealous of mine.  Too me they are usually a nuisance.
Not really. With mine I can fasten screws when they are long enough. Girls would never even try that.
My fingernails grow really fast and are thick and tough. They have a habit of breaking fingernail clippers of the cheaper variety and dulling the more expensive ones.  I have used them on screws before, and they work good enough for some things if I am being lazy.    If they didn't get in the way so much I would try to find more uses for them.  I have been told by women who like having their fingernails long that they are jealous of mine.  Too me they are usually a nuisance.


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Love it!

My nails aren't quite THAT long,.

I like to keep my girl nails in a length that would be referred to as "active length" - that is to say, longer than most guys would be comfortable with, but short enough that I don't have trouble typing....or doing other things that rhyme with typing that I won't say here....but I've often wondered how some girls accomplish that with the incredible nails they have!!

I do like my nail polish, though, you won't ever see me without it.