After doing the tile example ( I can't rember where I got it), I had a go a the pong lesson1 it had bits of c++(comments more than anything) and is split into 4 files(balldata.c,paddledata.c,gpmain.c,pong.h), I joined the ogether not knowing how to link the together for the devkit. It works fine and I'm quite pleased with the result, although how should I have got it to use c++ and the split header files for devkitadv this is my current batch file.
and my mkefile
I don't think the clean works it just comes up with an error, and i cannot put b2fxe in there either
I'ma also using jedit to edit my text and its not shoddy, but anything better would be a treat.
b2fxe -t "Pong" -b "icon.bmp" -a "cyclops" -r "PD" hello.gxb pong.fxe
del *.gxb
del *.o
del *.elf
and my mkefile
# devkitadv base dir
export CCBASE=c:/devkitadv
# User options passed to the compiler
export CUSER=-DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic
include $(CCBASE)/
all: hello.fxe
gpmain.o: gpmain.c
hello.elf: gpmain.o
hello.fxe: hello.gxb
del hello.gxb hello.fxe hello.elf gpmain.o
I'ma also using jedit to edit my text and its not shoddy, but anything better would be a treat.