The Mana World


Jul 2, 2010
I try to port The Mana World for Caanoo, so you guys thing thats a good idear?
i see there is an Port for Pandora and N900 i thing its posible to port it for Caanoo to.
Rikku2000 said:
I try to port The Mana World for Caanoo, so you guys thing thats a good idear?
i see there is an Port for Pandora and N900 i thing its posible to port it for Caanoo to.

I'm with the Baron, anything you'd like to tackle would be great for the community. That being said, I'm not sure how many Caanoo users are currently net-capable, which might be a factor worth considering.
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The port is done but i get some image error... i have to fix it.
If all is fine i will release... :)

Okey all is fine now i will make small fix on it:
AJack said:
[...] That being said, I'm not sure how many Caanoo users are currently net-capable, which might be a factor worth considering.

I'm trying to figure that out here. If you guys haven't already, please go cast your vote. At the moment it looks like a third of the users are connected already, with another third interested/tempted. I'm working on something myself to try to tempt them a bit more to get online :)

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@Uni - Hey, people like you and Rikku are giving us reasons to get a wi-fi dongle. I might get a wifi dongle anyway, but some great games and apps that're internet-enabled will definitely give us reasons to.
Curently all is fine i only have to add the Virtual Keyboard image
when its call so when this is done i can release it... :)