The Free Universal Construction Kit - making different construction toys interoperable


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Someone just sent me a link to this, and I felt that I should post it here, as well, since I'm sure that it will be of interest to some folks here.

The aforementioned "this" is The Free Universal Construction Kit - it's a set of around 80 two-way adapters, made available in .stl format, ready for 3D-printing. They allow connections between Lego, Lego Duplo, Stickle Bricks, K'Nex, Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys, Fischertechnik, Gears! Gears! Gears!, Zome, and Zoob toys, which effectively means that you can build some pretty radical stuff by combining the whole lot!

It might make for some interesting Raspberry Pi cases, at any rate! :lol:
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I am a big fan of the era we live in.
So am I.

I'm really looking forward to when home 3D-printing is properly affordable (it's already slowly-but-surely getting there, I gather), as it will be quite the enabler for all kinds of projects!
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We have a load of 3D printers here at Metalab, some of the original project members of RepRap are Metalab alumni .. its been amazing watching new 3D stuff printed over the years, and I'm a huge fan of F.U.C.K. for the sheer joy it can bring ..
A brilliant idea!

The missing link, found.

Expect to see some great hybrid creations with these sitting in the middle making it work.
I bought a bunch of high power stepper motors a few months back intending to make a 3D printer. And then I got distracted by something shiny.
Why haven't I got a China on my desktop?

I didn't read all the wiki but just watched that video. You saying you can get one for 500 notes? What about the raw material, how much they charge per stick of plastic I wonder.

I want one, two, four, eight..
Erector set ? Is it viagra-related ?

Okay, it's a pretty bad joke... :rolleyes: