The Best Emulators...


Oct 4, 2005
Liverpool, UK
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Hi all,

This is going to outrage and annoy several people probably, but I've just gotten myself a GP2X F-200, my first generation GP2X having died some time ago. Would anyone be able to come up with a list of the essential/best-working emulators for each system, and then stick it at the top of the emulators forum page? It'd make sense, and stop people posting things like this.

So, emulators for:

Mega Drive
Mega CD
Master System
Game Gear
Game Boy
Game Boy Advance
Neo Geo
Neo Geo CD
Neo Geo Pocket
Lucas Arts games

and so on and so on?
TwoHeadedBoy said:
Hi all,

This is going to outrage and annoy several people probably, but I've just gotten myself a GP2X F-200, my first generation GP2X having died some time ago. Would anyone be able to come up with a list of the essential/best-working emulators for each system, and then stick it at the top of the emulators forum page? It'd make sense, and stop people posting things like this.

So, emulators for:

Mega Drive - Picodrive
Mega CD - " "
Master System - AlexKidd
Game Gear - " "
SNES - PocketSNES643
Game Boy - GNUBoy
Game Boy Advance - GbPsp
PC-Engine - Temper
Neo Geo - GNgeo
Neo Geo CD - NeoGeoCDx
Neo Geo Pocket - RACE
Lynx - gp2xHandy
Amiga - UAE4all
Spectrum - GP2XSpectrum
MAME - Mame4all
Lucas Arts games - ScummVm

and so on and so on?

They are the ones i use regularly.
Also try Fba2x and CPS2 emu for other arcade titles :)
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Gosh, thanks very much, that Lynx emulator and the SNES one are fantastic! Strange how I can't get DrMD to work, haven't tried PicoDrive yet. That NES one's only recognising about 20 of the hundred or so ROMs I stuck on it, so I'll have to have a tinker with that too, but other than that, cheers :D
Picodrive is pobably the best emulator on the GP2X - its the flagship emulator imo. Try it and love it!!!

With the nes emu (gpfce) make sure you have the latest version and as with all emulators (and software on gp2x) read the readme's!! Enjoy! :D
Yes, got it all going now, PicoDrive is FANTASTIC, haven't gotten round to doing Mega CD stuff yet, but I'm loving everything else. It even plays Sonic 1 Megamix! Sorted FC Ultra too, and just realised I can play Cave Story on my GP2X. Has it really been that long since I moved over to DS homebrew noodling?
Yeah couldnt get DrMD working on my F200 aswell.

Picodrive works great though with both megadrive and megaCD. I been playing the talkie version of Dune on it from MegaCD. Awsome stuff.
Just when I was all uppity happy squeek about my F-200, it's gone all weird. It won't go beyond the GPH screen, at all, not even with fresh batteries. I'm guessing the firmware needs updating, even though it's already at version 4.0 :(
TwoHeadedBoy said:
Just when I was all uppity happy squeek about my F-200, it's gone all weird. It won't go beyond the GPH screen, at all, not even with fresh batteries. I'm guessing the firmware needs updating, even though it's already at version 4.0 :(

Did you try removing the sd card and booting without it?
Maybe the card is corrupt and not the firmware.

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Are the amulators the same for the f-100 and f-200 and are there emulators for all the same systems on each machine ? thx:)
culturepunk said:
Picodrive works great though with both megadrive and megaCD. I been playing the talkie version of Dune on it from MegaCD. Awsome stuff.
What is the performance like? Are there any noticeable delays in loading/playing audio, or long loading screens, or anything like that? Picodrive is my favourite emulator as well, but I have not given MegaCD emulation much of a try. I bought Rise of the Dragon and Eye of the Beholder, but was pretty disappointed in choosing both of these games (not the emulation thereof!) because the PC versions just work so much better with mouse control...
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