Thanks to all the people who made software for the P


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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Just to let you know your work is appreciated and thanks for not giving up because there are only 900 of us pandora users out there.


and for the girldevs


+1 to all of you :)
+1 from me as well.

If you enjoy a developers work, PLEASE make a donation to him or her. Everyone here wants mature and fast running software, and that doesn't happen by wishing it. All of these guys do this in their spare time, and making a donation shows them that there work is appreciated, and it also helps to motivate when they might have better things to do. THANK YOU!

Ditto from me too.

I'm betting a lot more people would have cancelled before now if there weren't people continuing to port software for the system. Wish I had money to give the devs but xmas and the Humble Indie Bundle #2 has tapped me out :(
I'm amazed by how much work is being done. It's definitely one of the major factors that's keeping me so enthousiastic about the project.

I haven't "bought" the dev fund donation when I ordered the Pandora because after I asked about it on the old forum the way the money was going to be spent/shared/passed around was to vague to me. Of course this was some time ago so maybe things have been defined more clearly now and then I'd lovingly reconsider my ealier decision and put some money towards it.

But I'll definitely will be donating to individual developers as soon as I get my Pandaro and start finding programs I can't do without anymore, regardless if I end up doing the dev fund or not. Appreciation is important and a little burning money towards a new gadget or whatever they'd use it for surely will give them that bit of extra gumption to keep them going.
i want to be a muffin......meanwhile, i will donate to a homebrew competition once i have my pandora, it should be a pandora homebrew specific, then ported elsewhere
yeah the more software the merrier.skint now but will donate some in the future.The more pandoras out in the wild the better
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+1 thanks devs

when i get my pandora if there is something that i want i will be sure to ask and definately tip well for the service :D u guys rock!