S slubman Certified Guru Joined Feb 6, 2003 Messages 217 Age 40 Jun 2, 2003 #21 you change the cx and cy variables to change the text position!!!! On my computer the text doesn't flicker
you change the cx and cy variables to change the text position!!!! On my computer the text doesn't flicker
S seth Member Joined Apr 28, 2003 Messages 171 Jun 2, 2003 #22 say i move it 5 over it works, but hten i move it 10 over and it moves it back twoards the left?
S seth Member Joined Apr 28, 2003 Messages 171 Jun 2, 2003 #23 what framskip are u using for geepee32
S slubman Certified Guru Joined Feb 6, 2003 Messages 217 Age 40 Jun 2, 2003 #24 frameskip: 0 I knaw that if you draw outside of the screen for example x=340, y =10, then the text wilol be draw at x=20, y=11
frameskip: 0 I knaw that if you draw outside of the screen for example x=340, y =10, then the text wilol be draw at x=20, y=11
S seth Member Joined Apr 28, 2003 Messages 171 Jun 2, 2003 #25 still the cords are doing that thing i move it left the text goes right
S slubman Certified Guru Joined Feb 6, 2003 Messages 217 Age 40 Jun 2, 2003 #26 if you print text at x=-10 y=10, the the text will be print at x=310, y=10 or 9