Testing Renderer Speeds? Benchmarking?


Still Fresh
Jun 6, 2007
Not sure if this is the correct section so sorry if I posted in the incorrect area.

I have wrote a renderer which is highly optimised for 16bit 565RGB and ported it to the GP2X from Windows Mobile, I am unsure how to go about testing the speed of it and to how this would be deemed fair. The renderer has the ability to have images drawn with a variety of blend modes such as opacity, additive, subtraction, multiply, screen, colour tint, fill etc etc.

I have tested it versus SDL which clears the screen and draws 200 200x200 sized images to the screen.
Mine - 18fps

I draw my buffer directly to fb0 on the gp2x which leads me to wonder how it is the same speed as SDL with hardware? or am I thinking incorrectly? I have looked into the hardware blitter and implemented it but its does seem very practical with the amount of image manipulation I do.

Any advice/comments are welcome. :)
If your writing a lot of data directly to the frame buffer, then try implementing my mmu hack - it should speed up your fps quite nicely.

My attempts to use mmuhack are not very successful.

The fb is allocated in upper memory within my lib's renderer initialise function using:

int Uppermemfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); //Open the memory for reading/writing
fb = (unsigned short*)mmap(0, 320*240*sizeof(unsigned short), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,Uppermemfd, 0x03101000);

In the program after I call initialise I run the mmuhack, in telnet this says 'Using mmuhack' but the fps is still 18 and I see no difference.

system("/sbin/insmod mmuhack.o");

int mmufd = open("/dev/mmuhack", O_RDWR);
if(mmufd < 0)
printf("MMU hack failed");
printf("MMU hack loaded");

Any ideas?
maybe you are using the faulty mmuhack module? there were two compiled builds. One of them didn't work at all...
I used this one here which I downloaded yesterday which is apparently the one which works.


could the method I use be a reason? Since I do alot of graphic manipulation with my optimised algorithms a screenbuffer is held within the renderer, when the flip command is called the buffer is then copied fully to the fb.