Sure, I'm A Dirty Smelly Troll With No Respect

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Mar 28, 2006
I don't get what the fuck I did wrong with my question in the other topic. Is the message being no complains are allowed and if you don't like it then fuck off? I'm deeply offended by TelcoLou's action and I don't think I deserved the name calling nor the abuse of the administrator. I guess, there is no democracy nor discussion allowed where TelcoLou lives, New Jersey, US. :ph34r:
"I'm still waiting for my NES emulator for GP2x." sounds pretty damn demanding for someone who's just asking a question. Devs make emulators because they want to, not because you ask them to. Asking when it will happen will not make it happen sooner. Wait it out or make your own. If that is't good enough, then just shut up.
"Deeply offended"? If you were truly offended, you would have PM'd Lou to have a private conversation with him. This thread is nothing more than a cry for attention to help heal your bruised ego.

In other words, stfu.
iignotus posted on Apr 30 2006 at 06:19 AM said:
"Deeply offended"? If you were truly offended, you would have PM'd Lou to have a private conversation with him. This thread is nothing more than a cry for attention to help heal your bruised ego.

In other words, stfu.

Amen, brother.

Pariah B)
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Dispite how, err, "subtle" you are being, you still insulted people in this topic, so how on earth you expect to be respected I don't know. I do feel that perhaps TelcoLou's actions were a bit early, but this time he might leave the flamegates open.

Oh and anyway there are perfectly good NES emulators already!
Stop demanding of others when the only thing you'll give them in return is a "thanks" at best. Wait your turn - ask an actual question - or make it yourself.

Extremely simple, I think you'll catch on quickly.
Aninhumer posted on Apr 30 2006 at 06:26 AM said:
Dispite how at err at "subtle" you are being, you still insulted people in this topic, so how on earth you expect to be respected I don't know. I do feel that perhaps TelcoLou's actions were a bit early, but this time he might leave the flamegates open.

Oh and anyway there are perfectly good NES emulators already!

I wouldn't say perfect, but they are quite good. FishyNES lags on some games, and has some graphical glitches to work out...
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I said perfectly good, not perfect.

But I'm not getting into any grammer flame wars now!
Anhaedra posted on Apr 29 2006 at 11:33 PM said:
Aninhumer posted on Apr 30 2006 at 06:26 AM said:
Dispite how at err at "subtle" you are being, you still insulted people in this topic, so how on earth you expect to be respected I don't know. I do feel that perhaps TelcoLou's actions were a bit early, but this time he might leave the flamegates open.

Oh and anyway there are perfectly good NES emulators already!

I wouldn't say perfect, but they are quite good. FishyNES lags on some games, and has some graphical glitches to work out...

In the literal sense, "Perfectly Good" means that it is flawless at performing at the level of "good." Which is how most people interpret it. Saying "that was a perfectly good piece of bread you just threw out!" does not mean that it was the most perfect bread in the world - but rather there is nothing wrong with it to justify throwing it out.
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