Advanced Member
I actualy just want to know how to set/enable some things onto the Pandora. Pretty small stuff but somehow I don't find a solution or anybody who can help me there.
First: I want to reduce the grid spacing of the Pandora Desktop Icons WITHOUT resizing the Icons itself. So, same Size of Icons but more Icons that fit on the invisible Desktop Grid because the spacing is WAYS to big IMHO especialy on the right side. I know this is possible because I've seen screenshots of alot more Icons with the size I have on screen.
Next annoying thing is releated to mplayer, or Gnomeplayer, you know, the default Video player for Pandora. First thing: how can I enable vsync? Because the Videos tear horrible, this is not very nice, maybe vsync is enabled but somehow it just does not work.
Second is also about mplayer: how can I set the image properties permanent? It always resets the values (gamma 'n stuff) when I close the player. I want the settings "burned in" for every Video.
Last thing is, how or when gets this annoying bug fixed that the Video Overlay hides the Menus in the Player?
Please no "use another player" answer, this is not my question.
By the way, all the other Players are also unable to do Vsync for the Video image, I hope this is not a serious bug, it really needs fixing.
Oh, my Pandora also makes some strange deeper noises here and there, even if volume is 0. Happens when switching the GUI or sometimes during scrolling a webpage or stuff like this. Sounds like a feedback or something like this. It is stronger since ED replaced my broken LCD cabel with the new one. It comes clearly out of the speakers. My Pandora also has some high pitch "flirring" when CPU is active, even mouse movement does this. But this is not loud and was always there.
Yes, I have a pretty soundy Pandora.
I actualy just want to know how to set/enable some things onto the Pandora. Pretty small stuff but somehow I don't find a solution or anybody who can help me there.
First: I want to reduce the grid spacing of the Pandora Desktop Icons WITHOUT resizing the Icons itself. So, same Size of Icons but more Icons that fit on the invisible Desktop Grid because the spacing is WAYS to big IMHO especialy on the right side. I know this is possible because I've seen screenshots of alot more Icons with the size I have on screen.
Next annoying thing is releated to mplayer, or Gnomeplayer, you know, the default Video player for Pandora. First thing: how can I enable vsync? Because the Videos tear horrible, this is not very nice, maybe vsync is enabled but somehow it just does not work.
Second is also about mplayer: how can I set the image properties permanent? It always resets the values (gamma 'n stuff) when I close the player. I want the settings "burned in" for every Video.
Last thing is, how or when gets this annoying bug fixed that the Video Overlay hides the Menus in the Player?
Please no "use another player" answer, this is not my question.
Oh, my Pandora also makes some strange deeper noises here and there, even if volume is 0. Happens when switching the GUI or sometimes during scrolling a webpage or stuff like this. Sounds like a feedback or something like this. It is stronger since ED replaced my broken LCD cabel with the new one. It comes clearly out of the speakers. My Pandora also has some high pitch "flirring" when CPU is active, even mouse movement does this. But this is not loud and was always there.
Yes, I have a pretty soundy Pandora.