Steelsound 3h Headset


man of poor reputation
Apr 23, 2004
Hildesheim, Germany.
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I bought a Steelsound 3H headset yesterday. When i plugged it into my computer i noticed a clearly audible constant hiss. It starts after Windows has booted and is very annoying. Yes, i have made sure that my microphone input is deactivated, the drivers of my Soundblaster Live! 5.1 Digital are updated and i have turned off all EQ effects. The hiss has the same volume no matter how high or low i set the volume level in Windows (even if i set it to zero) , it only stops if i switch off the sound alltogether. I have tried it on 2PC´s and one notebook, and it always was the same. However i don´t have any Problems with MP3 players and the GP2X.
So, do i have to return the headset or is there anything i can do about this?


EDIT: Oh, and i don´t have this problem with any other headphone or speaker.
Fishbong posted on Mar 20 2007 at 08:18 AM said:
I bought a Steelsound 3H headset yesterday. When i plugged it into my computer i noticed a clearly audible constant hiss. It starts after Windows has booted and is very annoying. Yes, i have made sure that my microphone input is deactivated, the drivers of my Soundblaster Live! 5.1 Digital are updated and i have turned off all EQ effects. The hiss has the same volume no matter how high or low i set the volume level in Windows (even if i set it to zero) , it only stops if i switch off the sound alltogether. I have tried it on 2PC´s and one notebook, and it always was the same. However i don´t have any Problems with MP3 players and the GP2X.
So, do i have to return the headset or is there anything i can do about this?


EDIT: Oh, and i don´t have this problem with any other headphone or speaker.
I know you turned off the Mic, but don't you have 3-4 other inputs? Line-In/CD/Front Mic/ etc. CD afaik is digital since win2000/XP, so you can just leave it off.
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