Stargate Continuum



I think the new Stargate movie, Continuum, rocks. This movie explores Cameron Mitchell's past when time is altered by the return of a familiar Goa'uld. This movie became available on Itunes on July 28th. This will supposedly wrap up the Sg-1 storyline with the downfall of the goa'uld but fans everywhere (including me) can't hope for more.

Here is a youtube trailer that has a silly little skit with Daniel Jackson in it, everyone's favourite archaeologist. Funny in and of itself.

Any fellow stargate fan is gonna love this site I just found. It is full of behind the scenes videos. Makes me feel so warm inside, like a kid in a candy store. They have interviews with actors, directors, backstage footage, and videos from their trip to the icy north.

Official stargate special ops member

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ya, already seen the movie...
it was good...
better then the peace of shit ark of truth!

we even got to see apophis a lil bit ;)

but u know...
it was "just" on a seasonfinale-level - not really worth a movie

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Reported for good measure. I apologise in advance if I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.