speeding up the pandora


Feb 22, 2006
Is there a way to speed it up for internet use. I have the CPU at 800 and it still seems slow to me. I know that it doesn't have all the power that today's smartphones do but is there a way.
Is there a way to speed it up for internet use. I have the CPU at 800 and it still seems slow to me. I know that it doesn't have all the power that today's smartphones do but is there a way.
use a wifi dongle, should increase the speed for internet, the internet speeds on the pandora have always been an issue due to the wifi chip, best of luck
in terminal, try sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off, or maybe sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M power off
Really, now? Good thing I only turn on my Wi-fi when I use it. How can it be reverted?
not sure about connections speed but for generally less headaches with wifi use wicd instead of network manager - read threads called "wicd redux" and "replacing network manager" on the gp32x forums.
Sweet thanks for the info. Will try it when I get home. Also I'm using a netgear n600 dualband router.is there a better router to use also I tearjerker from my phone at times to
Run this in the terminal if it's WiFi problems you are having. Before browsing was horrible, I was not even able to stream online radio. Now - it's fine :D

sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M power off
Tried that and it says that 54m is not there
that message mean you typed

sudo wlan0 rate 54M power off

instead of

sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M power off