Sound Volume Question


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Pennsylvania, USA
Why does most of the gp32 software play at such low volumes? I can barely hear most games with any background noise. I don't think it's my unit because xcade's pacman and ms pacman play at super loud volumes. Is there any sort of change that can be made?

Well, there's a whatshacallit at the bottom of the unit, rotate that to get more volume. Or plug it to stereosystem, and upset the neighbors. :)

Some are very silent, true. Like OSNESGP. But, for example, Doom has it's own volume settings for music and fx. Maybe some others, too. Crank them up. Kinda like gamma settings.
I have noticed that different programs have different volumes. Xcade is so loud that it distorts, Pc-engine has decent volume, DrMD is a bit lower, and C64 is very low volume and is louder in one speaker. I guess that it is dependent on the software.