Sony Mylo 2 Screen Is Amazing!


Dec 29, 2006
Just got my Mylo 2 from ebay today. Im amazed at the high resolution of its 3.5" 800x480 LCD screen. Usually I can see the individual pixel with my eye but not this one. I thought all lcd screens have the same pixel size, just different screen size. Is there other devices that uses such high resolution lcd screen? My guess is smartphones.
I havent seen the OLED screen of the Wiz but I heard its grainy, so I doubt Ill be blown away like by the Mylo 2. BTW, the device is terrible for web browsing. I bought it for AIM.
rsuryase said:
I thought all lcd screens have the same pixel size, just different screen size.
Wow, no, not at all.
My laptop has a 17 inch 1920 by 1200 screen. The dots are closer together than the 160x160 of my Palm Z22. The pixels are so close together that Valve believes, from their hardware survey, that I have a 31 inch television that I'm playing TF2 on. Somebody please correct them, I don't want nvidia to waste their money building TVs because Valve didn't have the brains to ask me about my screen size.

the iPhone probably has a similar dot pitch, since it's also a 800 by 480 smartphone.
Fuck, where did I get that number from? And why isn't strikethrough working?

rsuryase said:
I thought all lcd screens have the same pixel size
This still amazes me. It reminds me of when I realized that all computers used the same CPU architecture, and that's why installers didn't have to compile anything. (My Java teacher was terrible at explaining that, and confused me for years)
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rsuryase said:
Just got my Mylo 2 from ebay today. Im amazed at the high resolution of its 3.5" 800x480 LCD screen. Usually I can see the individual pixel with my eye but not this one. I thought all lcd screens have the same pixel size, just different screen size. Is there other devices that uses such high resolution lcd screen? My guess is smartphones.
I havent seen the OLED screen of the Wiz but I heard its grainy, so I doubt Ill be blown away like by the Mylo 2. BTW, the device is terrible for web browsing. I bought it for AIM.

The Wiz screen is only grainy on static images. It doesn't notice during gameplay. It's one of the best screens I've ever seen, bar my Macbook.
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Good point. High resolution on small displays after a point is only really useful for reading and static images, typically web browsing. For movies and 3D games, resolution pretty much doesn't matter, colors and refresh times do. With 2D games, it depends. Native stuff profits from resolution if there are static elements (which there often are). For emulation there are a few low resolutions that work very well because old consoles tend to use them. (Ask DaveC about it... ;) ) However, with a very high resolution, you are much more flexible and can always use a reasonable portion of the screen even if you only want to do pixel doubling, not interpolation.