So... is FGen faster than GenEmu?

yes, much faster, frameskip 1 w/o sound fullspeed most games.
clock speed selectonable
gamma correction
show debug info

no save/sound :)
I think genem runs at frame skip 0, so theoreticly it is probably the faster one, but because of frame skip Fgen seems faster.

Yeah, Genemu is faster, at the expense of compatibility it seems (72% vs. 40% 'good' reviews). OTOH Genemu isn't being actively worked on at the moment, so if there's any hope of speed improvements, it's in fGen.

Also I think you can just press R to change the frame skip in fGen. I always had to set it to about 2 or 3 to get it fullspeed before, so it must have improved a lot.
FS1 felt more like 60 to 70% in fGen (I timed the games against a real clock for 1 minute; on the emulator roughly 40 seconds would pass). FS2 was about 80 to 95%.

Genemu has a faster FS1, but that's it. (I'm calling it FS1 because it returns 21 to 24 FPS and appears to run at 75% speed...unless the overclocked FXEs return unreliable numbers like SNESemu and fGen do). If it had FS2 it'd probably be near fullspeed.