Snowed In 5 - Flaked Out!

GP2X Legend

Still Fresh
Dec 13, 2006

Clickgamer have just released the 5th version of the Christmas Snowed In 5 - Flaked Out! It will be completely free and it is a cool, addictive, pile of fun!!
Also released is a brand new video entitled, 'Wolfgang and Gunter' which is hilarious. So go check it out!

Wolfgang and Gunter
Snowed In 5 - Flaked Out game

GP2X Legend
Thanks for the release, will try it this evening :)

By the way, any chance of getting one of the Sky Force titles running on the 2X?

- Alex
Cool, I'll have to check that out. Would a port of FFRace - Fast Future Race ever be possible on the gp2x. There aren't any racing games for the 2x so I believe many people would buy it.
Hi everyone, to answer all of your questions:

1. You need to contact regarding SkyForce, tell 'em we sent ya lol!!

2. The same for FFRace go to and do the same!

3. Have any of you had chance to check out the video we spent ages doin it, its pretty good?

Thanks for all of your feed back guys!!
Tripmonkey_uk posted on Dec 14 2006 at 03:30 PM said:
GP2X Legend posted on Dec 14 2006 at 10:33 AM said:
Have any of you had chance to check out the video we spent ages doin it, its pretty good?
Nice.. I missed that for some reason?
Hope those special snow effects didn't leave you too skint ;)

Ha ha its real snow, we filmed it in the Alps ha ha
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I bet all the Schnaps was real as well... ;)

Some of my german friends were offended by the video... :-P
Thanks for this cool game! The only problem is that I have to register every time I run the game. Is this a bug? :unsure:

edit: Problem solved: the bug is present in the Snowed In 5 - Flaked version from the archive. The from the clikgamer site works great. :D
Awesome game and video!

"Haha Gunter that is tiny"
"Well it's freezing"
